23. November 2nd//9:45 PM

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Ella's Perspective

He chuckled, finishing off his wine. I tried my hardest to smile. Even the air I was breathing in and out felt wrong. Every felt wrong. Off. I promised him I would stay but I felt that I needed to leave. This wasn't the same Ed I once knew. This was someone I had never met. To think I was thinking this only twenty five minutes into the get together.

" You really are a delight to have, Ella dear. " I shook my head quickly, waking up from my daydream.

" Hmm? " he chuckled again.

" A delight--you're a delight. "

" Oh. " I smiled again. " Thank you. " he nodded. He continued to talk for a while until he pulled me out of my thoughts again.

" Darling are you okay? " he then reached over the table to grab my hand. I gasped.

" Edward I need to ask you a question. " he raised his eyebrows then smiled.

" Anything. " he then ate another bite of steak. I looked down, then stood.

" What is this exactly? " he looked confused, and then joined me, standing.

" What do you mean? " he chuckled and grabbed my hand again. " you know how I feel Ella. I wouldn't have went to you if I didn't feel that way. " I looked at the ground again.

" You never said anything to me before... " he used his index finger to raise my chin. We both stared at each other until he cupped both of my cheeks. " Ella I think I-- " I laughed and shook my head.

" No you don't, Ed...I'm sorry...I think I need to leave. " I then headed to the door, escaping his grip.

" Ella wait. " he called out to me. I looked to see him not moving in the slightest. " why are you avoiding me? " I chuckled loudly.

" Are you serious? I'm sorry but I'm kinda worried about you! " he turned to me slowly and laughed also.

" I know. I've... made some questionable decisions. But you know I only did it for you-- "

" Yes which is why I'm worried Ed. We were just friends. Normal people don't...do things like that for friends. "

" I know. That's why I'm telling you I don't want to be friends. " he smiled, slowly walking to me.

" Ed... " he was now centimeters away from my face. " I'll see you tomorrow... " he nodded.

" Okay. "

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