20. October 28th// 7:08 AM-11:32 PM

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Ella's Perspective

As soon as I woke up I sat up, yawned, stretched, then remembered what I found. I groaned loudly and laid back down. I didn't know what to do about the money my supposed dead dad had left me--or if it was even a thing. Not to mention why in the world Edward forgot to mention it. But then again, I wasn't to think of him right now. Because I knew if I did--I'd probably end up in tears.

But soon enough anyways I found myself getting up and out of my bed. I stared at myself in my body mirror. I looked...okay. Good enough for waking up almost five minutes ago ( not even that ). I smiled at myself.

" Maybe today will be a nice day. " I told myself as I then walked out to the living room. I yawned again then stopped, and stared. Right before me were two girls. One sitting ever so casually on my couch, one stopping and staring at me with a can of open and empty soup in her hand. Today, was already not the best day.

" Um, who are you? " I spoke as the girl holding the soup looked to the girl on the couch. One of them was ginger, and wore a black and green sweater with a black skirt. The other, was a brunette who wore almost nothing but black, leather, and a pair of goggles.

" Nobody. " The one wearing leather spoke, until I slowly took a few steps closer towards her.

" Wait, I know who are you are...you're Cat. Edward...he told me about you one day. You have a real name, don't you? " she slowly put the soup on the ground, then sat down on the couch.

" Yeah. Selina. Selina Kyle...what else do you know? " I walked to the other side of the room to see both of them.

" You have a friend? "

" Oh--yeah. Her name's Ivy. "

" Nice to meet you. " the other girl spoke softly as I nodded.

" And I'm...guessing you two have been living off cans of expired soup from my kitchen? " Cat raised a eyebrow.

" Yes but...I'm pretty sure it's not expired...I always look. "

" Oh yeah, I know. " I smiled. " so why are you here? " as soon as the word escaped from my mouth Ivy started to cough heavily. Cat patted her on the back until she stopped. She then looked at me.

" She's sick and we don't have anywhere to go. Homeless, you could say I guess. " I nodded.

" So...how'd you find me? "

" Well, duh. You're on the news everywhere. It wasn't hard to follow you... "

" Ivy! " the other groaned as they both stared at me like I had four eyes. I folded my arms.

" So why in the world should I let you both stay here? " Ivy looked as if she faced defeat, so I looked over to Cat. She shrugged.

" Well, your lover-boy's gone and you've got no one else from what I'm seeing. We could really make great company. " I thought about it.

" ...Alright then. So what do you wanna do? " they both looked at each other, then back at me. Cat shrugged.

" Don't know. What do you consider fun? " she got up and walked the kitchen, grabbed an apple, and sat back down.

" ...This is Gotham. There's not a lot of fun to go around without blood spilling somewhere. " she nodded. And took a bite of the apple.

" You really know a lot about this place don't you? " I gave her an odd look as she chewed while speaking. At least she tried to close her mouth.

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