3. August 22nd//8:01 AM.

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Ella's Perspective

Edward was still holding my hand as he parked his car in the GCPD parking lot. I had almost never seen him so happy, for some reason. I guess...he had never held anyone's hand before? I had to throw him a bone. He was daydreaming for a soild three minutes in the car, holding my hand and just staring at our fingers laced together--his right hand mixed with my left. He was now holding my hand, tightly. I looked down at my hand, and used the thumb on my left hand to poke him slightly, trying to bring him out of his thoughts.

" Hmm? "

" Ed. We're here. You can let me go now. "

" Oh right. I beg your pardon." he slowly let go of my hand, then getting out of the car as I did the same.

" So this means my hand is on point today right? " he chuckled.

" Yes, your hand is a very pleasant thing to hold. If that doesn't sound too weird...shit. " I gasped.

" Edward. No swearing! " I replied sarcastically. Now I definitely had never heard him swear before. not even over texts. " how could you? " I laughed as he did the same.

" My bad. " he replied as we both walked into the GCPD.

" I've told you many times now, it's fine. I mean, I would perfer you to like my hand rather than to hate it...I think. " we both laughed a little, but it shortly stopped after Miss Kringle walked up the both of us, almost silent. She carried around five or six files almost everywhere, but this time she was holding around eight. She handed Ed three folders and nodded.

" Mister Nygma, here are the files you requested. And I need to speak with you, if you could. " she spoke, looking at Ed, then at me. She coughed slightly.

" Oh you mean me? " I asked as she smiled.

" Yes, Ella. I would like to discuss some... " she looked towards Edward, who looked like he was losing a battle. " politics. " she looked back at me, and then smiled. She started walking to her office as I followed at her hip.

" I'll see you later? " I smiled towards Edward, as he only faked a smile and continued to stand there--staring at us. What was with him and Kristen? I knew that he liked her. Or that he at least used to like her, but it's as if he doesn't want me around her. As we finally reached her office, she stepped aside to let me in. I never had seen her office before. But I was well aware that she was valueable to the GCPD.

" You remember what I spoke to you about...last night? " she asked, walking to her desk in the very back of the room. She sat down at her chair, behind her desk as I sat down at the chair in front of the desk.

" Yes... "

" Well, I just wanted to show you something that will...further my statement-- "

" I know that you two were dating. " I blurted.

" Yes, Ella. I told you. "

" He told me first. And what is going on between you two? Its like...you both are in a war against each other. "

" We are not in a war, Miss Roselend. But Gotham is a very dangerous place. And...I think...it's just... "

" Just?...what? "

" We both have diffrent feelings on what is best for you. Who you should be around, who is the better companion. "

" No. " I laughed, smothered in doubt. " No you two are not fighting over me, correct? " she inhaled deeply. I laughed again. " Kristen you are not serious. "

" We are not. I just do not believe that you being around him is a good idea. "

" Who said you were my mother? " there was a moment of silence. " I'm sorry. That was not appropriate. "

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