Christmas bonding

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It was getting close to Christmas and the group was ecstatic, but they didn't know what to do, until Taylor had an idea



Guys! I have an idea for what we can do for Christmas this year!


Go right ahead

So, I was thinking, what if we match clothes on Christmas day and go out somewhere? Maybe get ice cream? Or go to the ice skating rink!

I'm not paying this time

Seems fun

That would be nice, but do we pick our partners ourselves or..?

Yeah... No, the magic wheel will choose for us

Oh, alrighty

They discuss what their plans will be..

Eek! I'm so excited!

I was showering and came back to 119 notifications!?

Oops, sorryy

Anyways, I saw what you guys were planning, I'm down

Okay, now we just need Aiden to agree

He says yes



Oh shit that sounded wrong
Context, we were talking and he fell asleep, so let's just drag him into this

Got us worked up over nothing

After their partners were chosen by the 'magic wheel', everyone goes to Aiden's house to hang out, Taylor and Ashlyn are doing tiktoks, Aiden and Tyler were watching them while Ben and Logan talked while making food.
"What if we do this one?" Taylor suggested. "Eh.." Ashlyn hummed, "Sure" Ashlyn said, stretching.

Aiden's pov

I saw Ashlyn and Taylor doing dances and having fun. This was one of the few times or even the first I've seen Ashlyn dance, but now I know for sure, she's a natural. Every time they made a mistake, Taylor giggled while Ashlyn let out a huff, as if she was holding her laughter; me and Tyler kept watching until Ashlyn and Taylor made a mistake that made them both laugh, Ashlyn accidentally let out a little snort which made them laugh more, I chuckled a bit as Tyler smiled. Eventually, they finished and were talking, Taylor left to go check on Ben and Logan, while Ashlyn took the phone and rewatched the videos.

Ashlyn's pov

I took the phone and rewatched the videos me and Taylor did, since I was exhausted I went to sit down next to Aiden and wait for Taylor. "Had fun I see?" Aiden says fondly, I giggle and nod, he chuckled as well and asked to see the videos we took, Tyler soon peeked to watch as well, I was obviously tired and hungry, but I brushed it off. Aiden and I were talking with Tyler, he was telling us a story of how Taylor accidentally sprained her ankle when she was in elementary, soon, Aiden started saying a story and I started dozing off,
*His voice is so calming.. wait what..? No no no, snap out of it Ashlyn.. his voice is not calming, or is it...?* I thought to myself, soon those thoughts were gone since I brushed them off  and eventually I fell asleep half way through Aiden's story.

Aiden's pov

I felt a little nudge on my shoulder, and when I looked back, I saw Ashlyn, asleep on me. Tyler suggested that I wake her up since the food was almost done, but I declined; she just looked so peaceful and I just couldn't bring myself to wake her up. As expected, Taylor came with Ben to tell us that the food was ready, when Tyler stood up it was just me and Taylor. "Aren't you gonna go eat? You were saying your starving" she jokes, "I am but no thanks, I kinda can't right now" I tilt my head towards Ashlyn, signaling that she was asleep on me, Taylor nodded and snuck a picture, running away to go show the others, at this point, I wasn't surprised, she always did this. I looked back at Ashlyn, sleeping peacefully on my shoulder, *she looks so damn cute* I think to myself, playing with her hair gently as to not wake her up.

Ashlyn's pov

When I wake up, I notice I'm somewhere completely different than I remember. I sit up and look around, noticing Aiden at his desk doing homework, he looks back and notices I'm awake; "Hey Ash, your finally awake" he says with a smile, "how long have I been out..?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes and stretching. "Just 3 hours" my eyes widened "what!? 3 hours!?" I whisper yelled at to not hurt my ears "yes, 3 hours" he responded, standing up and offering his hand to me. I take it and stand up, then, he leads me to the kitchen where the others are. "Hey guys! You guys ready to eat now?" Taylor said enthusiastically, Aiden nodded and went to serve himself food, I just sat down in the kitchen island stools, my head resting on my hands, and started thinking about stuff.

3rd person

As Ashlyn sat down, Aiden served himself food while talking to Ben and Taylor, Tyler and Logan were out buying stuff at the store. Ben noticed Ashlyn looked stressed, he nudged Taylor and pointed to her, signaling that she was stressed. "Hey, Ash, you okay?" Taylor asked, Aiden and Ben looking at Ashlyn. "Helloo..? Earth to Ashlyn--" Taylor got cut off by Ashlyn saying "Huh? Oh- uh yeah I'm here" Ashlyn looked up at Taylor, "you okay?" Aiden asked, Ashlyn nods, looking down. "Is there a guest room..?" "You can take mine--" Aiden said "--why?" "Uh.. I'll be back-" Ashlyn stands up and speedwalks away, Aiden confused but also concerned.

Ashlyn's pov

I went to Aiden's room and closed the door behind me, tears well up in my eyes, I sit on his floor, not wanting to ruin anything or sit on anything I'm not supposed to sit on, and I start crying quietly

Aiden's pov

A bit later, Ash hasn't come back and I have a bad feeling so I go towards my room to check up on Ash.

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