Chapter 3

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If it's not you it's not Anyone ~ ✨

If it's not you it's not Anyone ~ ✨

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"Good Morning Mr.Jeon what would you like to have today?"

"Expresso please" I said as the lady on the counter smiled at me and started making my coffee.

"Good Morning Mr.Jeon"
"Good Morning" I sat on the table nearby waiting for my order.

I was bored sitting here by myself so I started scrolling through my phone looking for daily news.

'CEO Dominic Davenport allegedly divorced with his wife Alessandra Davenport after being married for a decade'

That fucker deserves this

'Famous Dancer Park Jimin seen with his rumoured girlfriend'

This man gets a new girlfriend every other day.

'CEO of Kim Enterprises Kim Taehyung currently seen hanging out with his new girlfriend Kim Ara'

I smiled as I read the headline, I was glad that my bestfriend finally found his one. He was meant to be her's afterall, because our Author's wrote us that way.


Sorry I forgot to give my introduction.

Hi! I'm Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook CEO of Jeon Industries. Rich, handsome, muscular and single.

And Welcome to my Fictional World!

Don't ask me how I became a CEO cuz even I don't know that. My Author's wrote me in this way, I don't even know my childhood because it isn't discussed in 'Temptation', the book from where I came.

My parents died in the car accident when I was two. Because, Author was too lazy to write about them so she killed them. Not that I care! Half of the population here doesn't have parents.

This is our Fictional World, all the characters from the fictional books written in Real World live here. Everyday you will see a new person appearing from the DoorBooth with their own story and characteristics.

We do things the way we are written in the book, but we can communicate with Characters outside our book.

I'm 27 and Single and gonna stay 27 and Single for the rest of my life. Because this is the way I'm written, there is no mention of me become old and finding a girl in 'Temptation' but who know I might get a girl in sequel.

Our Author's do know about this world but they have took the Oath to not to speak about us in Real World or we will steal their ability to write.

By we I mean Thesus but he is another good topic I'll tell you guys about later.

"Mr. Jeon here's your order" The lady smiled as she placed the order on the table and left breaking me from my thoughts.

I muttered a thanks and took the coffee sipper with me and left for office.

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