Chapter 20

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If it's not you it's not anyone~ 🪐

If it's not you it's not anyone~ 🪐

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× Aera Pov ×

The fest was a grand success so was our stall and everyone loved Jungkook's idea and the ball night has become one of the best moments of my life. I was kind of shocked when Jungkook asked for my consent and I am so glad knowing that I love a gentleman like him. My thoughts were broken when I heard his whine which bought a smile on my face.

"Amor why are these brownies so hard to make!?" He whined as I saw him stirring the batter which made me chuckle.

"Leave it for now, I'll teach you later" I replied.
"Tomorrow promise" I said showing him my pinky finger and he smiled and intervened my finger with his and kissed them.

"Kook listen"
"Yes baby" he said and just those two words bought butterflies in my stomach.

"Will you visit bookstore with me? I need to buy a new book it's been so long since I last read one" I said as pout formed on my face.
"Ofcourse Mi Amor. It's my duty to fulfill your wishes.. tell me when do we go?"

"Umm.. after work?"
"Done" he said and gave me a forehead peak and we both left for our respective duties.

× Jungkook Pov ×

I went outside the kitchen to help JiHo with some chores and joined him.

"So how was the Ball night?" I asked in a mischievous tone and he rolled his eyes as always.
"It was good" he replied and I made a tsk sound and replied

"Oh come on! I literally saw you going on dance floor with Jane so ofcourse it must be more than good or did you fuck up or something?" I asked suspiciously.

"I didn't fuck up anything and yes it was the best night so far cuz I got to dance with my crush but.." he paused and went silent
"But what?"

"That dance didn't do anything good to my heart, it has started beating more than before for her. My feelings have started growing more" he said in a sad tone.

"It's good then why are you so tensed?" I asked confused.
"Because I can't just go and directly confess! It's not that easy. I know she doesn't loves me then what's the point of all this?? And as far as I know she doesn't believe in love and happy endings and I don't wanna trouble her. She already knows I kinda have feelings of her and if she would've felt even 1% of it, she would've shown that by now" he finished and sighed

"See JiHo when you think that you know a girl just tell yourself that it's a lie. Okay? It's not easy to know what's going in a girl's mind unless you actually spend time with her. I know and understand Aera but still at a point I feel that she is feeling something which I'm unable to understand and on that things I'm working out so don't think that Jane doesn't feels for you okay! And see when I came here.. I was 100% sure that Aera won't accept me easily but did I gave up?? I didn't because my love for her is big that It doesn't want me to stop trying and see now I'm the happiest man cuz I have my love by my side. So my brother if you really really have a strong feeling that she's the one then just don't let go! Keep trying ofcourse she'll see the efforts. Keep trying and take care not to hurt yourself."

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