Chapter 10

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If it's not you it's not anyone~ 💌

If it's not you it's not anyone~ 💌

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× JiHo Pov ×

"What a pleasant weather today! I feel the day is will be good for us. What do you think Noona?" I asked as I looked the view of busy street and bright sky from the huge glass window of the cafe.

Reciving such a short reply I turned around with a frown and saw Noona who was busy completing an order and was in a haste "What happened Noona? Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Jiho-ya I quickly have to finish this order and after that I have to return a book to the Library where Jane works because it's the last day today or else I'll be charged a fine" she said as she continued her task but here my heart made an abnormal flip after the mention of Jane's name.

"Uh.. Noona.. why to worry when you have me? If you're gonna do so much hurry you won't be satisfied with your work and then you'll be sulking the entire day about how you didn't met up your coustomers expectations, you finish with order while I'll return the book for you.. No issues" I said as I smiled at her

"You will? Oh thank you Jiho-ya! You're a life saver.. I owe you this one" She said as relief spread across on her face and I chuckled and replied
"If not me then who will? And don't worry you don't owe me anything.. I'm glad I came as a help, now tell me which book you have to return?"

"It's the one kept in my Tote Bag named 'The Long Game' okay? And tell Jane of why I couldn't come to meet her" She said and I nodded my head as yes and went to the kitchen fetch the book from her bag.

I took out the book and placed it neatly in a bag and packed some Red Velvet Cookies for Jane that I made in the morning.. She loves them.

"Bye Noona I'm leaving." I said before leaving
"Go safe!" Came her reply and I smiled, Aera noona is the best human on this planet.

Jane's library is not much far from our cafe, just a 15 minutes distance so I just decided to walk. The thought of meeting Jane sparked a new energy within me. I still remember when Noona introduced me to her for the first time, and I felt an instant connection. Day by day I started falling more for her and I love her very much, but I know the sad fact that this is only sided and will remain unchanged.

Jane knows about me liking her but she doesn't want to be in a relationship and I completely respect that, there's a past of her that has scratched deep wounds in her heart which makes her doubt every relation. I don't know what is it or how old is it.. but my love for her will remain the same no matter if she loves me back or not. I won't force her for anything, I'm ready to be in any relationship with her even if it's just acquaintances as long as I get to see her. My one.

I was lost in my thoughts and realised that I have finally reached the library, it's not that big just a medium cozy space with vintage vibes which makes someone to read here entire day. I went inside and saw her sitting at the reception while noting something in the register. Her focused eyes behind those glasses looking as enchanting as they always do while her brown wavy hairs tied in a ponytail.

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