Chapter 19

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If it's not you it's not anyone ~ ✨

If it's not you it's not anyone ~ ✨

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( Their looks are shared in the end of chapter)

× Aera Pov ×

Jane came soon after me and Jungkook shared our kiss and Jungkook went in his room to do his office work as he said he won't get much time in getting ready while me and Jane are in my room right now. Dancing, laughing with songs in the background.

We both were doing our makeup's while spilling random tea and giggling like teenagers.

"You know both of them were looking so cute when they were kissing each other in the corner of library and I didn't wanted to disturb them at all! But I had to" she said and I chuckled.
"Both of them must be embarrassed after getting caught" I said
"Very embarrassed" she said

We both were done with Makeup and Hairs and finally we both helped each other with our outfits and we were ready!

"Ladies are you ready? JiHo is here too" I heard Jungkook's voice from outside and it was going to be 8 soon.

"Oh my God I'm so nervous" I said as I placed a hand on my racing heart.

How will Jungkook react?

"You look perfect babe don't worry. He will be the one who will get nervous after seeing you don't worry" she said which let out a laugh from me but I could sense that she too was a bit nervous.

I took a deep breath and opened the door and there stood Jungkook and JiHo but I was busy staring at Jungkook. My man stood their look as handsome as ever, he looked so elegant in his suit. His long hairs styled behind and his lip piercing oh God! I still can't believe this Greek God standing here is mine.

× Jungkook Pov ×

I felt my breath getting hitched when I saw the love of my life coming out of her room. The dress looked so beautiful on her. She had kept her hair open in loose curls and the way she was smiling at me wasn't doing any good to my heart. She lookes so ethereal, so elegant, so beautiful, so Mine.

I took her hand in mine as I placed a kiss on her hand and whispered in her ear "Even words can't describe what I'm feeling right now after seeing you Mi Amor" I finshed as I kissed her earlobe while she blushed.

All four of us sat in the car while I drove it to the location. The Venue was beautifully decorated and it was giving very royal vibe. I took two drinks and handed one to Aera.

All the people who knew Aera and Jigu came and talk to them but I was busy staring at her because she's the only one I see.

"Stop looking at me with those eyes" she said as she looked at me.
"What eyes Amor?" I asked and she chuckled.

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