Chapter 11

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If it's not you it's not anyone ~ 💗

If it's not you it's not anyone ~ 💗

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× Aera Pov ×

If you would have come to me and tell me that a Fictional World exists with all the book characters living there, I would've laughed and slapped your face thinking you as an idiot.

But this man right here! On whom I've been crushing since last I don't know how many months, who I thought didn't exist is sitting right in front me telling me about his magical world and I'm just staring at him like he has grown two heads.

When he came at the cafe an hour ago I almost recognised him as Jungkook but I didn't paid much heed to it but when he said about the note I left on last page of the book... I felt as if all the air has been knocked out from my lungs. I never told anyone about it, not even Jane or JiHo so maybe his story is a bit convincing..

His appearance is same as described and shown in the book. Big doe eyes, a cute smile and a lip piercing, long hairs and well built body and his smile Oh God!!

"Aera in my World we are supposed to perform as we are written in the books but we can communicate with other characters of other books too.. and then there is our head named
Thesus who does all the work of sending characters to Real World only if they wish to.. but it's a damn long process, but somehow I convinced him and managed to come here" he said as he looked at me.

"But Jungkook can I ask you something?" I asked hesitantly
"You have entire right to." He said and my heart did an abnormal flip

"Uh.. I understand that you have a your own world and it's not easy to come in Real World from there but may I ask why have you come here? And how did you find me? And what do you want from me?" I asked and he sighed heavily and replied

"See.. in Fictional World there's a place called Viewer's Hub where we can see the reactions of all the readers who are reading our book. So when Temptation was released in 2020, I used to visit there a lot to see how people are reacting to our book and we received kind of a good response but I was never really loved or never really.. you know appreciated me the way they did to others so after knowing this I stopped visiting the place.

I always want to be loved, even I want someone whom I can call mine. Leave this aside we just went a bit off track.

So, once I went there cuz I was bored and saw the reactions of people during my lines it was all normal until.. until I saw you blushing and smiling widely at my lines and I sort of was attracted to you but then I thought it will just be a mere attraction nothing more. But my feelings started to grow more by passing days and I wanted to see you so I came, but Aera you want me to tell you the real and most important reason of me coming here?" He finished as he looked at me and I nodded my head quickly

"I.. um actually.. ugh why is it so hard to say!!" He said as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration and it was the most sexiest move I've ever seen.

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