Chapter 14

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If it's not you it's not anyone~ 🪐

If it's not you it's not anyone~ 🪐

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× Aera Pov ×

"Finally everything is set-up!" I sighed happily and sat on the mat.

There are two things in world that gives me peace.. Cooking and Stargazing and here I am now doing my favourite thing.

I sat on the terrace of my house with my Bluetooth Speaker beside. This is my place, I often come here to seek Comfort, solace and some lone time with myself. I was thinking about asking Jungkook to join but he was in his room so I thought not to disturb him.

I played the music and gazed at the Moon. It was a Crescent Moon Day today, no matter what the form is.. Moon never fails to amuse me.

I was lost in the surroundings when I suddenly heard footsteps from behind and I knew who it is, I turned around and saw Jungkook standing there in a plain white T-shirt and Grey Sweatpants pairing it with a beige coloured beanie, I was busy studying him when he smiled at me and asked "Mind if I join you?" I nodded my head and moved aside a bit to make space for him to sit.

"You come here often?" He asked as he made himself comfortable.
"Um..yeah kind of when I need some peace and lone time with myself sometimes in my good days sometimes in bad.."

"Who hurt you Amor?" He asked his voice lacking any humour.

"No one kook.. everyone has their own days but today was good so don't worry." I said as I gave him a reassuring smile.


"Keep calling me Kook and I swear I'm gonna fall deeper in love with you." His words made my heart skip a beat and I felt heat rising on my cheeks and I quickly looked away and stared at the Moon.

× Jungkook Pov ×

When I came in Real World, I was scared wether Aera would accept me or not? She hasn't fully accepted me yet but I'm glad that atleast our un-named relationship is growing and I tend to enjoy her company a lot.

Today when I gave her peak, that was a very bold move from my side seeing we never made any skinship but atleast someone has to move a step. But when kissed her.. oh damn! Her vanilla smell was so intoxicating that I never wanted to let her go but I controlled my insides and immediately left from there before I do something to make her uncomfortable. I sighed and looked at the sky.

The darkness of the night consuming the entire sky but still the moon shines the way it should with little stars admiring him around. And here I am, being a Star and admiring My Moon, the serene look on her face as she stares at the sky, the light breeze waving her hairs, the moonlight casting glow on her face. Can anyone ever be so beautiful?

I was busy staring her, badly wishing for the time to stop but then a thought struck me and I immediately removed my phone from the pocket and snapped a picture of her. She must have heard the sound of shutter and looked at me and chuckled as she saw her picture and said..

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