Chapter 17

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If it's not you it's not anyone ~ ✨

If it's not you it's not anyone ~ ✨

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× Aera Pov ×

I woke up next day from my deep slumber and remembered the events from last night. His moist lips on mine. The way his heart was racing, so was mine.

"I love you more Mi Amor and don't be sorry, you literally made this day the best day of my life"

I recalled his words as a giggle broke out and I hide my face in the blanket.
"I finally have a boyfriend"
"I finally have a boyfriend"
I said happily as I kicked my feet in air.

"Life feels like a romance song right now" I said to myself as I blushed and quickly got up to see my Jungkook.

I opened my bedroom door and heard light sound of music coming from the kitchen.

What he must be doing there?

I went in the kitchen to wish him Good Morning but what I saw definitely made my morning more shocked than good.


Did I mention he was cooking shirtless?



My thoughts were a tornado as I stared at him shirtless cooking with a his entire tattooed hand in display. What good things I did in past life to witness this moment??

"A picture will last longer don't you think?" He spoke and broke me out of my fantasy and now I was caught red handed.

"Jungkook..I.."  I quickly sent brain to fetch an excuse but that idiot came empty handed.

"You what Amor?" He said as he came closer and moved the hair strand lying near my face.
"Good Morning Kook" I finally managed to say while staring at the beautiful flooring I have.

He lifted up my chin and made me look at him. He bought his lips closer to me when I stopped and told him that I need to brush my teeth and freshen up before and went to get ready.

I had a bath when I thought I should fill my bestfriend with all the tea while getting ready.

"You did what!!!??"
Jane's scream was so loud that even Jungkook could hear her while sitting in his room.

"Girl slow down will you? At this rate my phone's speaker will be dead" I said at calm her down while I brushed my hairs.

"How am I suppose to calm down when my Babygirl had her first kiss!!??" She exclaimed as I feel her jumping and a smile rose on my face but then I corrected her.
"This isn't my first kiss tho"

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