Chapter 9

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If it's not you it's not anyone ~🥂

If it's not you it's not anyone ~🥂

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Bingo!" He said and I quickly hugged him.
"Thank you thank you so much Jimina! How do we reach there now?" I asked
"I've my own connections don't worry about that" Jimin said as he reassured me

"But who is Thesus? I don't know much about him other than he brings the characters in Fictional world and all" I asked

"Thesus was the first person to enter Fictional World so basically he's the founder and is immortal like all of us but the thing is he has many superpowers, like as you said, to bring characters in our world, if any author tells in real world about us he has the ability to flop that author's life. He keeps us safe in that way, so that no human being should know about us and yeah he can teleport characters from Fictional to Real World and many more.." Jimin finished.

"Wow! so when are we going? And what about Taehyung?" I asked
"We should tell him soon and we will leave later, let's go."

"What are you even thinking!? I thought my words will have some impact on you but instead you-- and Jimin what was the reason!? Do you think it's that easy to leave Fictional World, don't you guys use your brain even a slightest bit? Ofcourse there might me some consequences of leaving Fictional world! Idiots!" Taehyung said with rage.

"I'm ready to face the consequences Tae, I know you don't want me to get hurt but please, please have trust in me, if something happens I'll be the only one at blame not you, not Jimin, no one." I looked at him with glassy eyes
"Just do whatever shit you're doing" Taehyung said in annoyance as he murmured "as if he's gonna give you permission."

•  •  •

"This place looks so magnificent! How come I've never visited here?!" I exclaimed as I eyed at the big castle in front of me.
"You can't come here unless you have a work with Thesus" Jimin replied as we both went inside.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I asked as my voice echoed in the empty place increasing the level of my heartbeats.
"This place looks so creepy" Jimin whispered in my ear but his voice could be heard in the entire castle.

"Because it hasn't been cleaned in a while" A loud hoarse sound came behind us as goosebumps prickled on my skin.

And suddenly a man came in front of us, he seemed like in his 40s or something, black pants, white shirt and with a blue jacket and a black hat, looking at us in amusement and he was.. floating in the air!!?

He saw us looking at him with a horrified expression so he came down and stood on the ground.
"Hm.. Jeon Jungkook from Temptation and Park Jimin from My Passion. What brings young gentlemen like you here?" He asked

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