Chapter 15

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If it's not you it's not anyone~ 💜

If it's not you it's not anyone~ 💜

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× JiHo Pov ×

It's been barely 15 minutes since Noona went to meet Jane I don't know what happened to her because she never leaves her work, anyways hoping she is all good. I thought as I continued doing my work and then I saw Jungkook coming from distance and I sighed happily that finally I'll have a good company to talk to..

He came inside wished me morning and directly went in the kitchen and came out after a minute with confusion written on his face as he asked "Where is Aera?"

"Vanished!" I replied as I snapped my fingers and chuckled earning an eye roll from him.

"Where is she??"
"Went to meet Jane will be back in a while."
"Okay.. what can I do now?" He asked and I looked around to find a suitable work for him.

"Umm.. you can clean the tables cuz we have only couple of customers now and we will get busy soon and you won't be able to do after that" I said as he nodded and took the cloth and cleaning spray and starting doing his work while I continued baking.

We both did our work in silence and then I was finished with the pastries so I placed them in the display and then continued to other work.

"Can I ask you something?" Jungkook asked while doing his work and I nodded as yes.
"You and that librarian.. Jane is something going on between you guys? You can choose not to reply if you're not comfortable"

I sighed and replied"Nothing is going on. Why?"
"Oh.. I thought you like her or something.."

"Did Noona told you about this?" I asked
"Ofcourse not.. so you do like her" he said with a smirk earning an eye roll from me.

"Yeah I've been liking her since a long time but she has a past issue so she can't be in a relationship and can't accept me.. so I'm okay being a one sided lover forever"
"Nothing lasts forever bruh... We don't know what future holds for us so wishing the best for you. Maybe she had an bad encounter with her past boyfriend so that can be the reason" he said

"Nobody knows expect Noona.. but I never asked her cuz I didn't wanted to invade Jane's privacy" I said and he nodded in response and then I asked

"You came all the way from another world just for Noona? You must love her that much right?" I asked which bought a smile on his face and he replied

"I love her more than anything in this world."
"So how did you fell for her? Spill the tea!" I asked

"So I dunno if you have read Temptation or not but I was the side character in that book so ofcourse they are not loved that much as compared to main leads and I had accepted that fact a long ago that no one really loves me and you know we have this place in Fictional World called Viewer's Hub where we can see the live or recorded reactions of readers in our book just to know our impact in Real World and that's when I saw Aera who was blushing on my words and this happened many times and she used to be in my mind all the time, she still is.. and then I started falling for her and then we have a main person of Fictional World named Thesus so I made a deal with him to come to Real world and here I am" he finished as I stared at him in admiration
"You're in some real love man" I said as he chuckled

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