Chapter 4

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If it's not you it's not anyone~ 🤍

The rest of the days went the same Office, Workout, Meetings and Repeat

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The rest of the days went the same Office, Workout, Meetings and Repeat. Me and Taehyung even attended Jimin's Performance and Man literally looks like a God when he dances.

Everything was the same but I wasn't. Feels like I've found a reason to get up every morning. The reason to visit Viewer's Hub every evening no matter how tired I was.


"You are visiting Viewers Hub too much these days what happened? Any problem?"
Taehyung asked as he made himself comfortable on the chair of my office and I sat opposite to him.

"Nope nothing happened everything is going good.. I just go there to see the readers that's all" I replied.

"You don't like to go there Jungkook and now suddenly you're visiting there every day.. Something is wrong" he said

I just sighed heavily and told him all about Her.

"So.. This is the reason" he said after listening to me.

" Yeah.. and I just don't understand what has gotten into me since the last time when I first saw her on the screen. For so many years I had  never thought that people would love and appreciate me until I saw her.
The way she blushes and laughs whenever I say something cheesy in the book. She smiles at you too Tae but it's not the usual one I've seen in other readers. I guess finally there is someone who loves my character." I replied as a smile formed on my face and continued

"But Tae she's just having her Fangirl moment right? So this... Her simping over me shouldn't affect me right? But I don't know what is happening with me. Like there's a magnetic field around her which she carries I am badly getting attracted towards it."

I vented out everything that I had within me and looked at Taehyung and he was.. smiling?
"Why are you smiling?" I asked confused.

"So.. you like her?" He asked.
"I what!" I exclaimed
"No..I.. I can't.. I don't know.. How can I.! She's a real girl Tae and I'm just a Fictional Man with no future. This doesn't make any sense"  I replied

"I know all this but you didn't gave answer to my actual question.. Do you really like her?" He asked
"I don't know.. I mean yeah she's beautiful and attractive and seems like a person with good heart too so.." I said as I shrugged.

"But Tae.. why am I feeling like this towards her like you have many girls who like love your character.. Have you ever felt something like this?"

"Umm not really because I was destined to be with Ara and I have loved her only and I've never really felt like this towards a reader. And I think it's pretty noramal for them to do love me like that because I'm the main lead right.. but with you.. Jungkook you've always craved for love and even if you act all happy outside I know you're lonely from inside. And you've have gotten that love from her so maybe that's the reason you're feeling like this" he said

"Yeah you're right.. This is just a mere attraction nothing else.. she will eventually start a new book and will find a new Fictional Man to drool on nothing more that's it.. I need to forget about it" I said

•  •  •

"Shit!"  I cursed under my breath and ran a hand through my hairs.
"What is happening to me??" I groaned in annoyance as I looked at the same mistake I've done twice since morning.

"Sir you okay?" My manager asked me

"Yeah I'm good.. I just need a break, Han handle this for me" I sat and took my Jacket and left from there.

I really need to clear my mind from thoughts.. The thoughts of her.

I entered the gym of my penthouse and wore my tank top and gym shorts and started working out.

It's been few days after my conversation with Taehyung and I haven't visited Viewers Hub since then. I need to ignore all this, this is just a mere attraction, but instead of getting better my entire brain is now consumed by her.

Thoughts of her have clouded my brain no matter how much I try to get off things but I end up thinking about her.

What are you Lee Aera?

•  •  •

"You sure about this Jungkook?" Jimin asked as looked at me with uncertainty
"Yes I am it's officially been a month since I last visited this place and I'm sure she won't be here anymore and even if she is I won't feel anything I'm prepared" I said with determination reflecting in my eyes.

"And how are you prepared?" Taehyung asked three of us standing outside the entrance of Viewer's Hub
"I did some Yoga as they do in real world and engrossed myself in tons and tons of work" I replied.
"Ok then come let's see how long this Yoga of yours works." Jimin said as three of us went inside our room.

"She isn't here I guess" Taehyung muttered as all three of us eyed at the screen.
"See I told you she won't be here, she will read a new book and will find a new Fictional Man" I said as I looked at both of them.

"Hey! Tae, Jungkooka she's here" Jimin said as he quickly pointed at the newly formed screen.
"She's directly opening Chapter 4 Jungkook, in which you were introduced" Taehyung said

They both kept talking about her but as if I couldn't hear them at all. My eyes were fixed upon her, she was reading the same paragraph which she read on the day when I saw her and all her expressions were the same as if she's reading me for the first time, the smile, the crimson coating on her cheeks, her dimples, and her eyes fixated on my lines. 

And all the feelings I've been avoiding since past month came back to me in full force and this time they were so strong that I knew that I can't save myself from this.

What are you doing to me Lee Aera?

Am I falling in Love?

Happy Birthday to me!!! 🎀


Vote and comment your thoughts it motivates me to write also follow me on Instagram for more sneak peek and dates of upcoming chapters

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Vote and comment your thoughts it motivates me to write also follow me on Instagram for more sneak peek and dates of upcoming chapters. Joons_Jhagiya

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