Chapter 7

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If it's not you it's not anyone ~💗

If it's not you it's not anyone ~💗

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'Don't think about her'

'Don't think about her'


"Mr Jeon?" Mr Han asked breaking my chain of thoughts
"Yes-- Yes Mr.Han what is it?"
"Sir your scheduled meeting with the clients will take place within ten minutes so I'm here to inform you that the clients have arrived."
"Okay take them in the meeting room ask for refreshments I'll be there in five minutes." I replied

"Sure Sir, but Sir if you don't mind can I ask you something?"
"Yes what is it?"
"I've been observing you since few weeks and you look very lost in your thoughts are you okay? Is there any problem?"
"No, there isn't any problem Han and my health is good too so don't worry."
"Sure Sir I'll take my leave"
I nodded and sighed heavily after he left.

'I really need to do something about this'

"Good afternoon Mr. Jeon, Hope you're doing good" My client Mr.Choi said as he initiated for a handshake
"Afternoon Mr.Choi I'm good what about you?" I asked returning the handshake
"All good so let's start with the meeting"
"Sure please sit all of you" I motioned all the board members to sit as they had stood to greet me.

One of the members stood up and stood near the projector as he started his presention.
"Good afternoon Gentlemen, today's our topic is the statistics of previous sales by Jeon Industries and ways on how we can increase the sale..." he continued speaking and I had full concentration on his words.

The presention was going on smoothly as I drank some water to quench my thirst as I again looked up at the projector and saw


Aera? what is she doing here? And how did she came? I looked at her with confusing eyes and she just smiled as she came towards me and stood in front of me.

"A-Aera?" I asked still processing what is happening as I stood and was about to touch her face when she backed away and went out of the meeting room.
I went behind her and saw her twirling and dancing as if she had no care of this world.

I smile broke on my face seeing her giggling. I went near her and asked for her hand which she gladly accepted and we started dancing slowly. Her one hand on my shoulder while other hand intervened with mine while my other hand snaked around her waist as I pulled her closer to me, my eyes never leaving her smile. Oh how I wish I could always hold her like this.. closer to me.. forever. I closed my eyes as I continued swaying with her..
"Aera I L--"

Before I could speak the sentence I've been avoiding a loud applause echoed the room. Am I hearing things? Before I could grasp what was happening everything around me started fading away.

"What do you think Mr. Jeon?.. Mr. Jeon?"
"Yes! Yes?" Felt like someone has thrown a bucket of cold water on my face. I looked around and saw all the board members looking at me, where is Aera? Was it a dream? Was I sleeping? I looked as the meeting room door and it was closed as it was before. Shit!

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