Chapter 21

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If it's not you it's not anyone~ ✨

× Aera Pov ×

I woke up the next morning and tried to move a little but failed when I saw Jungkook's arm on my waist as he was tightly cuddling me while sleeping which bought a smile on my face.

He was very sad last night and I didn't wanted him to be alone so we spent some time in my room while talking and he fell asleep here.. I don't mind
tho. I just hope he's all fine.

I tried to remove his hand so that I could make him a nice breakfast but instead he snuggled more into me.

"Good morning Koo" I said as I ruffled his hair which made him smile and my heart felt at peace.

"I need to make breakfast" I futher said as he wasn't letting go of me instead he just mumbled "stay" in his sleepy raspy voice which bought butterflies in my stomach.

I sighed and again slept beside him as I cuddled him.
"You feeling good?" I asked after a while I saw him rubbing his eyes to wake up.

"Yeah.. thank you Mi Amor" he said as he looked at me with his sleepy eyes which made me giggle as I kissed his forehead and got up as I told him to get ready while I made us breakfast.

After a while,  breakfast was ready but Jungkook still hasn't gotten out of his room. I stood in front of the door and gave a knock on it. After few seconds he opened the door and..


Jungkook stood there half naked and all wet as he just took a shower. He was shirtless and his lower body was covered by a towel and water droplets were dripping from his hairs, travelling through his collar bones and stopping at his abs.


I just couldn't take my eyes off his abs no matter how hard I tried! While reading books I always used to get embarrassed when Female Lead would openly stare at shirtless Male lead  and would get embarrassed later like bro where is your mind to get you in line!??

But see today I'm doing the same cuz this man is sculpted like a Greek god! Those abs oh my god! No matter how much I try to focus on what I came here to say but my shitty eyes always bring themselves back to stare at his abs.

"Eyes up here Babygirl" he said which bought me out of my dreamland and I realised that I just embarrassed myself as those female leads.

"So.. are these abs just like the one drawn in book?" He asked smirking as he leaned closer to me.
"They..I.." I shuttered as I was unable to form words.

"I'm all ears baby" he said as he took a step towards me but as I was about to take a step back but he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him as my hands took the support of his well toned biceps.

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