Chapter 23

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If it's not you it's not anyone~ 💫

If it's not you it's not anyone~ 💫

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× Jungkook Pov ×

We came back home last night and both of us were so tired that we decided to go late at cafe.

I woke up and saw Aera sleeping peacefully beside me, she looks so at peace, how lucky I am to witness this face! If it's a dream then I never want it to end!

I got up from the bed making sure not to wake her up and went straight to bath. I came back in my room as my phone was ringing and it was from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked

"Jungkook it's Thesus. I believe that you remember about our arrangement and the time is over my friend, I've already have sent you a reminder a few days ago but I guess you didn't received it.. Nevermind you have three hours before you vanish permanently from Real World" he replied in a serious voice and immediately cut the call.

While I stood there froze as I recalled of our arrangement and Shit!! I never got a chance to tell Aera about it how can I forget??

I checked my phone for the reminder and indeed he had sent one while I was in Jeju so I might have forgot to check it. What I am gonna do now??

Three Hours..
180 Minutes..

"Good Morning Kook" I startled as Aera came from behind and wrapped her arms around me but my brain was still processing the phone call.

You don't have time Jungkook
You gotta make it quick.

My subconscious brain alerted me as I turned around and looked at My Love who was smiling at me which bought tears in my eyes.. Is this gonna be the last time I'll see her?

"What happened Koo?" She asked as she sensed that something was wrong.
"Aera.. I actually forgot to tell you something" I managed to form words as my hands were shivering.

"What is it Koo?" She asked as she placed her palm on my cheek as I inhaled taking up her warmth.

"When I was supposed to come here.. It wasn't easy.. I had to pay a price to come in Real World. And you remember I told you about Thesus.. So.." I continued as I told her about everything that happened in Thesus's castle, the arrangement, the time limit, me vanishing from book.. Everything.

"I..I've only 3 hours left before I permanently vanish from here" I said as a tear slipped from my eye.
"So.. you can come back right?" She asked hesitantly

"I don't think so.. it's not easy.. maybe we will never be able to meet again" I finished the most hated sentence of my life as she quickly hugged me and we both cried in each other's arms.

"You won't be able to come here ever again?" She asked in between her sobs and my heart broke seeing her state.
"I don't know.. but it's not easy to come back.." I said in a low voice as more tears fell from my eyes

"What about us?" She asked as I inhaled a deep breath.

"Baby, you are my everything even times aren't in our favour right now but Aera you'll be only one I'll ever love and I trust me I ain't gonna stay silent once I reach Fictional World, I'm gonna irritate the hell out of Thesus so he could arrange something so that I can live with you.. but it will take some time. Will you wait for me Amor?" I asked as my insecurities risen while I waited for her reply.

"Always Kook, I'll wait for you because I love you too much to let you go" she replied and I kissed her forehead.
"We will make it right, just trust me"
"I do"

"I only have two hours until I leave will you help me pack?" I asked as she nodded and helped me in packing my clothes.

Rest of the time she baked some cookies for me and my friends while we cuddled on the couch.

"I don't wanna let you go.." she said in a low voice as a lone tear slipped from her eye.
"I'll be back to you soon" I assured her or basically myself with the words.

Soon it was time and I had only a couple of minutes left as I took my backpack in my hand and stood in the living hall.

"I love you so much Kook, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and my heart will always belong to you." Aera said as she broke down in tears as I hugged her tightly while trying to stop my tears.

After few seconds she calmed down and I kissed her. I kissed furiously and passionately showing all my love for her, my anger and frustration on fate for making us separate.

We pulled out after a minute as I held her hand and said
"I love you more Mi Amor and..."

Before I could complete my sentence, Aera, the couch, the living room, everything vanished before me and turned pitch black when I heard a familiar voice.

"Welcome back to Fictional World Jungkook"


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