Chapter 8

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If it's not you it's not anyone ~ 🎀

"So you're in Love if I'm not wrong?" Taehyung asked as he eyed me seriously and I nodded as an obedient child who has been bought to principal office after committing a mistake

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"So you're in Love if I'm not wrong?" Taehyung asked as he eyed me seriously and I nodded as an obedient child who has been bought to principal office after committing a mistake.

"And with a person who belongs to real world?" He asked as I again nodded and looked at Jimin who's enjoying this drama while giving me his smug look.

"Jungkook are you mad or what!??" Taehyung raised his voice wiping that smug look from Jimin's face.

"Out of all the beautiful and hot ladies we have in fictional world you had to fall in love with someone who doesn't belongs here! Do you even know how much pain and hurt that is gonna cause you!?"
"But falling in love is not a crime and I didn't do it deliberately!" I whined as I replied.

"It isn't a crime Jungkook, I know that better than anyone else here because even I'm in love with someone. But that someone is from this world and your's isn't!"
"But you were destined---" he didn't let me finish as he continued..
"I know I was destined to find love and even if you aren't there are many single ladies in the town and you're not that bad yourself Jungkook, it won't even take them a second to come behind you. Why her?"

"Because she's different! She loved me and appreciated me when I thought no one could. She gave me the happiness of being a fictional character which maybe I've never got till now. She ignited the feelings in me which I thought didn't existed. She became the reason for me to actually look forward for the day. I even tried to ignore my feelings and I failed. Badly. I just know that I really really love her and if it's not her then it's not anyone" I finished with a sigh and saw Jimin clapping his hands with a proud smile on his face.

"He's madly in love with her Taehyungaa" he softly said to Taehyung.
"I get that you're in love with her Jungkook but what if she reads another book and falls for another guy? You're just a fictional character for her." He replied and his world stabbed like a knife in my heart but I replied..

"Few days ago I talked to Declan Kane, one of Kane Brothers and asked for his permission to visit his room of Viewer's Hub and I saw Aera reading his book but she didn't had much of a crush of him and after a few days she again read my paragraph whose reaction we saw on the day when all three of us went to Viewers Hub together. So I'm kinda sure that I've a impact on her."

"Okay maybe you're 'The Fictional Man' for her now and you love her, but Jungkook we don't exist for her, for her you're just an ink on paper what if she falls in love with someone who's from real world and then they are together. What will you do then? You will be left heartbroken, this is not just a one-sided love this is far more than that and chances of you failing in this love are 99%. That's the reason I'm opposing, you're my best buddy Jungkook, you're the reason I realised my love and I don't wanna see you hurt please forget her Jungkook it's for your own good pal."
His words did make sense, I'm just a Fictional character after all. I chose not to reply and I just blankly started at the floor.

"I'll see you later I've an appointment with a client so I gotta go, hope you think of my words. I'm no villain of your life kookie I truly care for you"
"I know" I replied still looking at the floor as he lightly squeezed my shoulder and left.

"As much as he sounds a bit straightforward at the moment but his words did make sense Jungkooka, I know you really love her a lot but maybe it's not meant to be" Jimin said as he hugged me and left and I let my silent tears fall.

•  •  •

Few days later -

I was working when door of my office swung open, and I knew who this is gonna be cuz there are only two people who can enter my office without my permission.
I looked up saw Jimin who danced as he came towards me with a parcel in his hand.

"You seem in a good mood today what happened?" I asked
"Yeah.. I actually found something for you" he said as plopped the parcel on my desk.
"What is it?" I asked I looked at the rusty package
"Open it idiot"

"A book?" I asked "I already know I'm in love so which one is this? To make me realise how badly I've failed?" I chuckled as I looked at him and he just glared at my bad joke.
"Shut up and read the title" he said

'Secrets and Stories of Fictional World'

"And what do you want me to do with this?" I asked and he smiled
"I had this dance performance in the main library and I came across this book written by great... I don't know their name.. only one copy in this world. So I decided to read it and found a chapter that I thought you will find interesting so I borrowed it for you,so read it." He replied and smiled.
"You know I'm not that interested in knowing history and all" I made a face as I shrugged.

"I know that kookie but just read this one chapter loud for me you won't regret it. I swear. Chapter 48. Quick!"
"Okay fine" I said as I opened chapter 48 and started reading it loud.

Chapter 48

Jake and Mathilda

'Once there came a story like no other.. Something happened which Fictional World had never seen or heard. A lady named Mathilda from the book 'Map of the soul' accidentally falled in love with a man named Jake, but the main problem was that Jake belonged to real world.'

I read the line as I quickly looked at Jimin "So I'm not the only mad man here?" I asked and he shrugged and told me to continue reading.

'Mathilda was madly in love with Jake so much that she went towards Thesus and had a chat with him and wasn't seen in Fictional World after that. It is said that Thesus casted a spell on her through which she permanently left fictional world and entered real world for Jake. Whoever wishes to leave Fictional World to teleport in real world can leave if they persuade Mr Thesus  but it's very difficult thing to do.'

"So you mean that if I persuade Thesus, I can go to Real World to live with my Aera?" I asked and he smiled and said..



So much's gonna happen in upcoming chapters, I'm so excited!?? 😭🫶

Hope you liked the chapter. Tell your response in the comments, it motivates me to write more 🩷

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