Chapter 16

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If it's not you it's not anyone ~ 🌸

If it's not you it's not anyone ~ 🌸

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× Aera Pov ×

We both came inside drenched from head to toe. I told Jungkook to stand at the door step as I quickly went inside and bought a bunch of towels and a  bath robe. I quickly wrapped one around him and one on his hairs and started rubbing them before he gets cold.

While I was doing so he took another towel and started drying my hairs.
After I was finished I told him to go change and we both went to our respective rooms.

I came in the kitchen and quickly started making Kimchi Fried Rice as they were easiest to make and we both were very hungry. As I was serving the bowls Jungkook came from his room while wiping his hairs as he looked at the food and his mouth watered.

"Thank you so much Aera. I was so damn hungry let's eat" he said as he quickly sat on the table and we ate.
"I'll do the dishes!" He said and dropped the dirty dishes in the sink.
"Okay I'll help you dry them" I said taking the towel in my hand.

We both did our work and I was about to leave in my room when he stopped me by helding my hand and pinned me to the nearby wall.
"What happened kook?" I managed to ask

"Just wanted to let you know that you're the only person I love and I belong to. My eyes will always be set on you Amor no matter with whom I talk to. So don't get jealous Amor cuz no one in this world is even 1% of you. You're my everything Mi Amor"

He said and kissed my forehead and I replied "This buttering of your's isn't gonna affect me Jeon when you were openly flirting with all the ladies there and even were winking at some them" I whined

"You don't want me to flirt with them?" He asked as he chuckled.
"Only if you actually love me" I said as I looked away and he again chuckled.

"As you wish my lady but if I don't flirt with them then I won't have anyone to flirt with" he said innocently and shrugged.

"Don't act all innocent Jungkook" I said and pushed him but he didn't bulged and instead came dangerously close to me "You want me to flirt with you Amor?" He asked in his sensual voice which send butterflies in my stomach and I nodded my head a little.

"At your own risk baby or you might actually start falling for me" he said as he kissed my cheeks which might have turned beet red by now.

Only if you knew that I'm already in love with you Jungkook.

"Go and sleep and let me sleep too. Good night" I said as I pushed him away went in my room when he called me from behind.

"You look cute when you get jealous" he said and laughed
"Fuck you"

"Desperately waiting" he said and I immediately shut the door before he could see me blushing like a silly teenager.

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