Chapter 13

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If it's not you it's not anyone~ 💜

If it's not you it's not anyone~ 💜

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It's been a week since Jungkook came here. It was pretty awkward in the beginning as of the new arrangement. But now I have started to feel comfortable around him, we talk and joke around a bit nothing much apart from it.

Even tho Jungkook said this in the very beginning that he loves me but all these days he has never crossed his boundaries and that makes him a true gentleman but I won't deny the fact that a small part of me wants him to break those boundaries slowly.

The ice wall between Jungkook and JiHo has started melting slowly atleast now they talk a little instead of just fighting everytime.

And about me.. I already knew that I like him but as I've been spending more time with him, I've gotten to know the real Jungkook which is much more than described in book. Everytime I see him entering the cafe my heart dances in joy even tho we live at the same place. His smile makes me smile too and I think those feelings for him are starting to grow more.

Here I am fantasizing about him while he's sitting right in front of the counter engrossed in his book. His small pout acts as a sign that he's highly concentrated in his work, even tho he has a small scar under his eye but still it doesn't makes his handsomeness any less. I was busy studying his facial features when suddenly he looked up and his eyes met mine and I quickly looked away.


Ok ok Aera it's fine. Act normal. Concentrate on your work.

Don't make it feel like you were ogling him.

After taking several deep breaths to calm myself down I again looked at his direction to find him looking at me and our eyes met as he stood up with a slight smirk on his face.

What the hell he's gonna do!???

My mind started coming with all the possibilities and some of them were not holy at all as I saw him coming towards me.

He came and stood at a distance of one step near me at stared deeply at me as I gulped. "J-Jungkook wha--

My shuttering words remain unfinished as he shushed me by keeping his finger on my lips.

He leaned a bit at my height and bought his mouth near my ear, our breaths mingling with each other and my heart was thumping as it would come out any second.


We both got startled and quickly seperated as if we were caught stealing something and I looked at JiHo who was standing there with a frustrated look.

Feels like he saw us,Oh damn! We weren't even doing anything.

Apart from the fact that he was so close to you that even if you moved your head a bit you both would've end up kissing..

Oh shut up!!! I said to the other unholy part of my brain.

"JiHo.. I.."
"What Noona? I've called you so many times but you didn't listened so I myself had to come out. I need to talk to you it's emergency." He said

"So.. you didn't saw anything?" I asked happily
"Is there something I should have seen?" He asked

"No.. nothing what is it you wanna talk about?"
"Come here" he said and sat on the table where Jungkook was previously sitting.

I followed him but while I was going I heard Jungkook muttering something like "Spoilsport"

"Noona~~ we badly need a helper, our sales are increasing we need someone to serve the coustomers, to do dishes, to clean the cafe. I understand that both of us can do this too but we have to take incharge of baking too right?? What to do??" He said and whined and I replied

"I understand Kiddo and you're right too but how are we gonna find someone who's trustworthy and reliable in such a short time" I said and started thinking.

"Um.. if you guys don't mind then I can work as a part time." I heard Jungkook's voice from behind and I immediately turned my head around.

"But how can you?? You didn't came here to work as a part time! You have your own Company to run. We can't do this to you!" I said in defence.

"I'd even climb the Mt.Everest for you Mi Amor." He said and leave butterflies- entire zoo erupted in my stomach.

"You sure?? You can deny too Jungkook.. Noona is right you didn't came here to work." JiHo said and I paid my attention back to him.

"I don't mind Jigu.. I manage my company work in the morning and by afternoon I'm free so I get bored just sitting here in the cafe so I don't mind if I do some work and please I don't want any salary or something" he said

"Fine.. you can help in various works in the cafe from tomorrow" JiHo said
"I can start from now" he suggested

•  •  •

"Oh what a mess!" I exclaimed in frustration shaking my head violently to remove the hair covering my face but no use.

I had my hair open for today as I thought I wouldn't do any baking but since we were out of our Bestselling Cookies so I thought to bake them.

I tied my hair in a loose ponytail with a scrunchie but it has started getting loose and both of my hands are covered in dough so I can't even tie it properly but to wait until the dough is kneeded properly.

I again shaked my head to remove the strands but suddenly someone came behind me and removed the scrunchie holding the last bit of my hair and I gasped due to unknown appearance.

"It's me Amor" he whispered in my ear and I calmed down due to Jungkook's presence.

He gathered all my hair together in his hand while doing so his hand touched my neck for a fraction of second but still it sent goosebumps through my body.

He securely tied my hair but I was too busy focusing on the sound of our breaths mixing. He let go of my hair and placed both of his hands on my shoulder and bought his mouth near my ear for the second time today.

He let out a small sigh near my ear which set my entire insides on fire and I was close to letting out a moan.

"You drive me fucking crazy Mi Amor" he said and kissed the area under my ear lobe and left.

He left but here I was on fire! It was just a simple peck but my heartbeat was on its peak and I was breathing so heavily.

If this happened on peak what will happen when we...

Oh shut up!!!!


So what was Aera thinking about in the last sentence? 🌚☝️

Sorry for this short and quite boring chapter 🥲

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