Chapter 70

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"She's pregnant?" Jungkook whispered so softly that they barely heard it.

"OH MY, HOLY SHIT," Tae all but screamed, "We are having twins," he turned to look at Jin and cried before they jumped into each other's arms and spun around in a circle screaming in happiness.

Jimin went over to Yoongi, still sobbing on the floor, "Are you okay?" Yoongi shook his head no, "Do you need a moment?" Yoongi nodded his head yes so quickly. Jimin's eyes locked with Hobi, and since they knew each other so well, the elder quickly understood what the younger needed. Hobi was there instantly; he lifted Yoongi up and carried him to Yoongi's room. Jimin followed right behind him.

The youngest stood in the doorway, "Get him in his bed; I'll go grab Sky's blanket and be right back." Sky's scent would help the most right now, but she was sleeping and needed her rest. Once they got Yoongi calmed down, they could take him to her and rest together. But they couldn't risk her waking up, not right now. He was back quickly with the blanket that was drenched in Sky's scent. "Here," he whispered, laying it over Yoongi's prone form.

He all but whimpered as he wrapped the blanket around him more, "Talk to us; don't keep it bottled up inside."

Yoongi looked up at Hobi, nuzzling his cheek into the hand that was playing with the strands of hair. "I thought that it wouldn't happen and that I didn't deserve to be a Dad. I love the boys so much and am very thankful for them and Sky. If I never had one of my own, it would be okay. But she wanted my young; I saw how much it was upsetting her."

Tears were falling harder, and it was getting harder to understand him. It broke Jimin's heart; he loved Yoongi so much. While he loved all of his mates, Yoongi didn't break down like this. He was the strong one, the one that held him while he cried. So, to see him crying and falling apart like this was hard. "I was failing her. I'm her mate, and I couldn't give her the one thing she wanted," he sobbed before he wrapped his arms around Hobi's middle and clung to him as his life depended on him. Like if he didn't hold onto him, he'd float away.

"Oh, Yoongs," Hobi sighed as he held the older man as tightly as he could for the awkward position, "you have never failed any of us, so stop that line of thinking right now, please, for Sky and me. She's pregnant, and she's going to need you and Kook. She's pregnant with twins so that she will need you two more than Jimin and me."

Yoongi shot up; his eyes were still red-rimmed, and his face was a bit blotchy, but he scrubbed it away as best as he could with his shirt sleeve. "She's pregnant with our twins," he mumbled, almost in a trance, "she needs us."

Jimin giggled a bit, "Yes, she does; why don't you go cuddle with her? She's sleeping in my room right now, but I know she'd sleep better if you were with her."

He stood up, not even looking at the younger two men, and nodded a bit before heading to Jimin's room; Kook was standing in the doorway looking at their sleeping mate. "She's gorgeous, isn't she?" His large doe eyes were sparkling with so much love. "I can't believe that we are going to have young Yoongi, our own young."

"I can't either; let's go hold her. Because if this is all a big dream, then frankly, I don't want to wake up."

Things didn't change much; Sky didn't get many of the symptoms she got on Earth, much to Kook and Yoongi's utter annoyance. However, it did amuse Jimin and Hobi to no end because while she didn't have any of the symptoms, the babies' fathers sure as shit did.

Yoongi scrunched his nose up for the fiftieth time in a row, "what's wrong with this meal?" Jin was at his wit's end. Nothing he made was good enough for Yoongi; everything smelled bad or tasted terrible. And for someone like Jin, who prided himself on being the best chef in their family, he was livid. You might as well have insulted his ancestors with how Yoongi acted. 

"It's lumpy," Yoongi grumbled with his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face as he refused to even look at the plate in front of him.

"It's lumpy," Jin repeated in amazement because it was, in fact, not physically possible to be lumpy because it was fucking broth. He'd made broth because that's what Jungkook had suddenly demanded they have for dinner, or he might just fucking die. Nothing else would do; it had to be broth. Jin looked at Sky, who was slurping up her broth while trying her hardest not to laugh. "Don't you dare," he whispered with his teeth clenched.

They'd been battling for dominance for years, and he was not about to let his little mate win just because she was pregnant. He couldn't wait to get her into bed, and under him, he wanted to make her fall apart almost desperately. But he would wait; he wanted her to come to him. He didn't care how long it took; he would not yield on that. Even if he were the last one to get young, she would come to him and beg him to fuck her before he would do it.

She batted her eyelashes a bit, "whatever do you mean, Jinnie?"

"Don't you Jinnie me," he scoffed. He turned to look at Yoongi, "How about I blend it up a bit? That should get the lumps out. Will that make it better?"

Yoongi looked at Jin like he hung the fucking stars in the sky, "you'd do that, please?"

So that's how Jin found himself blending fucking broth to get the lumps out for a mate that wasn't even pregnant but apparently had the symptoms anyway. He smiled to himself; he wouldn't change it for anything. 

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