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"Breakfast is ready Ellie" Cole said as he knocked on his bedroom door lightly

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"Breakfast is ready Ellie" Cole said as he knocked on his bedroom door lightly

There was no response

"Ell?" Cole said as he opened the door

Cole walked over to the bed as he saw Ellie laying on the bed, starring up at the ceiling.

"I'm not hungry" Ellie said quietly as she didn't take her eyes off the ceiling

"Baby, please-

"I said I'm not fucking hungry" Ellie shouted as she shot up and aimed her anger at Cole

Cole watched as her anger soon turned into sadness, more tears fell down onto her tear stained cheeks, his heart was breaking seeing her this way.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to sho-

"Hey, hey, you don't need to be sorry baby, its okay" Cole said as he rushed over to her

Within an instant he sat on the bed as he pulled her into his arms.

Ellie cried into his chest as her hands wrapped tightly around his torso.

"I've got you, I've always got you" Cole said as he stroked her hair gently

"I just want our baby back" Ellie sobbed as she looked up at Cole with nothing but pain in her eyes

Cole could feel his heart ache as he heard those words come out of her mouth.

"I know baby, I know" Cole said with glassy eyes as he caressed the side of her face gently

"Can you promise me something" Ellie said as she looked into his eyes

"Yes baby, anything" Cole said

Cole waited with anticipation as he saw a nervous look appear on Ellie's face.

"Promise me that you won't take matters into your own hands" Ellie said referring to Nate

Cole had never lied to Ellie before but there was no doubt in his mind that Nate was going to pay for what he had done.

"I promise" Cole lied as he held onto her hand and squeezed it tightly

Before Ellie could respond she heard a knock at the door.

Cole saw an anxious look appear on her face, he shot up from the bed as he walked towards the bedroom door.

"I'll be back in a sec, stay here" Cole said as he turned to look at Ellie before walking out of the bedroom door

Before Cole could reach the door, Fez had already opened it revealing a worried Marsha standing outside.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Cole spat angrily as he walked past Fez

"I need to see Ellie" Marsha said desperately

"Not happening" Cole stated protectively as he stood in the door way

Fez glanced over at Cole before going back into the living room.

"Please I just want to see h-

Before Cole could respond Ellie appeared beside Cole causing Marsha's eyes to fill up with tears at the sight of her.

"I told you to stay in the room" Cole stated frustratedly as he looked over at her

"What do you want?" Ellie asked as her eyes darted towards Marsha

"I want you to come home" Marsha said with sadness laced in her voice

"How can you expect me to live under the same roof as that psychopathic son of yours after what he did" Ellie spat angrily

"It was an accident honey, he didn't mean it, you know he would never mean to hurt you or the ba-

"Is that what you believe that it was an accident, do you know how fucking stupid you sound" Ellie spat as she raised her voice

"He wouldn't lie to me baby, it was just a tragic accident that's all" Marsha said trying to justify her sons actions

"Your fucking deluded" Cole spat as he pointed his finger at her aggressively

"It doesn't matter what he does because in your eyes he'll always be your perfect boy, you'll always protect him but what about me?" Ellie said with hurt laced in her voice as she stepped closer towards her

Cole reached his hand out to grab hers but within an instant she moved it away.

"Give me a minute will you" Ellie said raising her voice slightly, as she looked over at Cole

Cole was hesitant in leaving her alone with Marsha but he respected what she had asked, he glanced at her before walking off.

"You know I care about you Ellie" Marsha said with softness in her voice

"So where were you then? When I needed to be protected, where the fuck were you!" Ellie shouted angrily as tears started to fill up in her eyes

Marsha's heart broke at the sight of Ellie being in so much pain, she hated seeing her this way and she couldn't help but feel as though she was partly to blame.

"I'm sorry-

"Your sorry? My baby is fucking dead because of your monster of a son, my one chance at happiness and he took it away from me!" Ellie screamed as her heart ached in pain

"Ellie, baby please let me help y-

Before Ellie could respond Cole came rushing back over to them.

"Right that's enough, you need to leave now" Cole demanded as he stood in front of Ellie and looked over at Marsha

"Ellie" Marsha said as she tried to make eye contact with her

Cole blocked her view as Ellie was standing behind him, she began to sob as she quickly walked away.

"Just go" Cole ordered coldly as he looked at Marsha

He saw how distraught she looked but he couldn't care less, Ellie was the one who had suffered because of Marsha and her fucked up family.

Cole slammed the door shut as Marsha walked off.

Cole walked into the living room to see Fez standing by the hallway.

"Where is she?" Cole asked as he looked over at Fez

"She's gone into the bedroom, I'd just leave her for a bit man" Fez said as he patted Cole on the back lightly

"I fucking hate seeing her like this" Cole said with sadness in his voice

"I do too man" Fez said in a sympathetic tone of voice

"I've thought a lot about what you said" Cole asked as he walked over to Fez

"Yeah" Fez said

"I'm in, Nate Jacob's is going to get what he fucking deserves"

AHHH Ive finished it!! I will get around to doing a second book at some point I've also started to write a Tangerine fan fiction because im obsessed with AJT, so keep an eye out for that, I really hope you all enjoyed reading my book!!❤️

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