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My back was leaned against the stone while I read through a bunch of paperwork. There were files of similar incidents, but nothing really matched with the death of my dad. It doesn't seem to be the same killer. I then scrunched my brows. Was this a copy cat killer? This style of kill has been done before, so-

"This is truly a unique aesthetic." I looked up to see Jade approaching with flowers. "Work at a graveyard?" She placed her flowers by my dad's headstone.

"I wanted to spend some time with him. And it's such a beautiful day outside." I smiled at the weather. "Very peaceful here and I knew I could get some work done."

"Ya, not much noise at a graveyard unless it's Halloween." Jade sat across from me. "What are you looking at?" She took the files.

"Any related incidents." I shrugged. "Wanted to see if this was a signature trademark of the killer or something entirely different."

"What did you conclude?"

"I don't think they're related." I breathed out. "But, the sabotage to the car was identical to this case." I pointed it out. "Then again, I don't know if the killer referenced this case since they've never killed that way before. Or, if they're trying to throw me off their tail."

"What I'm trying to figure out is if this is personal or your father was simply a victim of a serial killer."

"Initially, I'd think random, but this..." I showed her the necklace around my neck. "This was purposely left behind." I shook it. "It was in an obvious place that wouldn't be easily overlooked. They wanted it left behind. They wanted the police to find it."

"No, they wanted you to find it." Jade corrected. "Mia, please don't get mad at me."

"What?" I chuckled.

"Just promise you won't get mad."

"What, Jade?" I gave her a look.

"I have a thought." Jade spoke. "What if this attacker is someone from Lara's past?"

"Why'd you say that?" I tilted my head.

"Think about it. All the time that someone comes after you or your family is because of Lara. It's either a bitter ex or someone she burned in the past. She has an endless list of enemies who have a vendetta against her."

"You think-"

"Even an acquaintance of hers or something. Someone from her past."

"I don't understand why they'd come after the family I was born in. If it's a personal attack against Lara, they'd attack the family we created. So me or our kids. Not the family I was born in."

"People are different." Jade shrugged. "By attacking your family, you'd be distraught. And Lara would be distracted from comforting you... making her vulnerable to attack."

"It's a... theory." I hesitantly spoke.

"I want you to seriously think about it. Everytime you two have to battle someone, it's somehow related to Lara. Joaquin, the witch that sent you to the alternate realm, Saskia, Geneve-"

"Interpol was on me." I interrupted.

"No." Jade shook her head. "They used you because they wanted to arrest Lara because of her crimes and past actions." Jade stated. "That wasn't on you. That was also Lara. So how far fetched is that this attacker is someone who has it out for Lara?"

"Trying to put thoughts in my head, Jade?" I quipped.

"Just being honest. We're at the stage where we have to toss out ideas."

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