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Place where it all began?! Place where it all began?! Place where it all- the villa! I heard the faint sound of an engine and knew exactly where she was heading. I sprinted down the halls and dodged the strikes from the guards. I slid into a room when they began firing gunshots at me.

I kicked down the door and managed to get outside. The wind was picking up, so I searched around for the source. I looked up and noticed a helicopter overhead. I quickly aimed my gun, but the door was opened and half of Yeira's body flopped out.

I gasped as Carla angled her head out. She smirked before allowing her tongue to lengthen before licking along Yeira's neck. My girl was unconscious as Carla dragged her back inside. I then gritted my teeth since the helicopter was out of range. Fuck!

Lara! I went to enter the building, but it blew up. I screamed as I was launched a few yards from the structure. I landed with a harsh thud and groaned. I rolled on my side to see the building engulfed in flames. Lara!

"LARA!" I screamed, but heard nothing in response. "LARA!" I cried out.

No, what do I do?! Do I go after my kids or try and find my wife?! I didn't know what to do, so I asked Chiara. Chiara claimed she still felt Lara's lifeforce. I nodded and decided to follow my children. I gulped and prayed that Lara would find me.

I ran to a motorcycle and revved the engine. I then sped after the helicopter, but it had a lot of distance on me. My resolve softened when I remembered the villa was on a private island. Shit. I slowed the bike when I got to the beachfront. I narrowed my eyes at the helicopter flying towards the island.

I quickly found a boat to hijack. I didn't bother with speaking to the guys. They yelled at me, so I socked them in the face. They held their faces in pain while I sped away in their boat. I floored the boat while texting Matt and Jade my whereabouts. I'm positive Zayn is tracking my phone, so not worried about them finding me.

It took me 30minutes to arrive at the island. I had my gun cocked, but no henchmen awaited me. Carla isn't into playing anymore games I assume. She wants me now. I growled and walked down the empty streets. I walked with haste and approached the massive villa. I took a deep breath and walked through the front door.

I was about to take another step, but hovered my foot. I looked down at the trip wire. I then looked around and noticed the guns aimed. The only problem was that it was impossible to cross the room without setting one wire off. Fucking hell.

I took off and slid underneath the gun shots. I then rolled out the way and propelled myself forward. I flipped in the air and dove over the shots. I tumbled into the adjacent room in a running stance.

Now, where'd you take my kids? I closed my eyes and focused my hearing. I could hear the sound of chains clanging underneath me. I then heard Carla singing my name. The basement... where she let me go last time. I shook my head to rid myself of the memories and ran towards the door.

I jumped down the stairs and tripped. I pushed myself up and ran towards the different scents. I didn't get far since an arm reached out and knocked me backwards. I crashed into the wall and ripped a chunk out of it. I squeezed my fists as I glared up at the woman I hated most in the world.

"What's the rush, Amelia?" Carla placed her hands in her pockets. "I've missed you."

"Where are my kids?!" I slapped the ground and stood. "Tell me!" I aimed the gun at her head. "TELL ME!"

"You're emotional-"

"TELL ME!" I roared.

"Being emotional causes you to make mistakes!" She raised her voice. "Like you did."

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