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Yeira's POV

My hands were underneath my head as I laid on the hill. Mum was on her stomach as she peered through the binoculars. She slowly moved her head to observe the entire premise. I was in the middle of cloud gazing when she spoke.

"I have to be honest." Mum stated. "I don't know for a fact if they're in there. Matt could be right and this maybe a waste of time and cause us to delay saving them." I faced her as she looked down. "If you want to bail-"

"Yo!" I cut her off. "Mum, I've got your back." I sat up and shrugged. "You have a feeling in your gut that they're in there. You've been relying on intel and other shit and that's gotten you nowhere. Perhaps, it's time to try something knew." I then poked her tummy. "Like your gut." I grinned and watched her eyes water. "I'm with you always. If they're not there, we'll regroup and brainstorm a new plan."

"I love you!" She surprised me with a hug.

"Love you too." I patted her back. "We'll find them."

"It's not the finding I'm worried about." Mum stood up. "But, saving them." She took a deep breath.

"You're the best of the best." Mum looked down at me while I smiled. "If anyone can save them, it's you and only you." I stood up. "We've got this." We did our secret handshake.

I placed my hands on my hips and moved side to side as mum tied her hair in a ponytail. I squatted down and used my enhanced eyesight to find any fault in the security guards. Mum checked out her guns to make sure they weren't clogged at all. She placed the guns and knives in their holsters before glancing my way.

"Ready?" I smiled up at her.

"Let's go." She gestured for me to stand. "Remember the plan?"

"Of course." I still surveyed the exterior.

"Anything out of the ordinary?"

"Yah, squat down a little." I dragged her down. "You said she's a snake charmer... look at all those snakes." I pointed 50 meters away. "I guess they're her scouts."

"So avoid them." Mum smirked.

"My thoughts exactly." I grinned.

"Don't kill the guards. We don't want Carla being alerted so early on."

"Yes, mum." I smirked.

"Save your Maman first. She's much weaker and will be able to help you free Zena."

"Understood." I saluted her.

"After you free Lara, send a signal-"

"Gotcha." I cheekily cut her off. "I've got this, mum." I playfully punched her. "We got this." I grinned.

"Yeira." Mum held my shoulders and deeply stared into my eyes. "Please, be careful. No cockiness this time." My grin slowly fell. "This one... I'm a little scared. I'll admit. I'm not as confident as I usually am. So please be careful. Honestly, I couldn't live if you are taken from me as well." She was vulnerable. "So please don't get taken." Mum paused to take a deep breath. "If I tell you to leave, you leave. I don't care. You go. Don't stay. Just leave and run and run."


"I'm serious, Yeira. I refuse to lose you as well. If the plan goes sour, you need to go." Mum bit her lip. "And leave the realm for good."

"But, I-"

"Promise me."


"Yeira." She sternly spoke.

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