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I was exhausted by that time we arrived at the safe house. I ran a hand through my hair as I inputted the code and did the retinal scan and then thumb print. As I waited for the combination to work, I spared a glance to see my daughter blowing smoke in the air. She received a harsh look making her hold up her hands in defense.

"Hey! I deserve a little smoke after everything we went through. Weed calms the nerves." She inhaled more smoke.

"You had enough." I whacked it out her hand. "Let's go." I dragged her inside.

We went up the stairs and found the main room with everyone. Everyone released a relieved breath and stood to greet me. Zayn placed his headphones down and raced towards me. He engulfed me in the tightest hug ever.

"We were so worried!" He announced.

"It was a bit stressful." I chuckled and hugged him back.

"You managed to get her too." Jade smiled and looked at Yeira.

"Yah, we had to blend in with the homeless and then do some risky things." I winked at a smirking Yeira.

"So what's the play?" Yeira placed her hands on her hips.

"Right now, we recover-"

"I have the next stage." I interrupted Matt. "She attacked us-"

"Technically, we don't know that for sure." Zayn raised his hand.

"It has to be her." I stated. "No one else would've been that bold. So my point is that she's still here. She's probably close right now. What we need to do is go look for her. Like right now!"

"Hold on, Mia." Matt spoke. "We haven't even confirmed if it's her."

"It is! It has to be!"


"Who else would've been doing that?!"

"You realize your daughter isn't the most popular person." Matt gently spoke. "She has a list of enemies after Geneve blasted her real identity to the world. People have a vendetta against White Fang. It's highly possible that this attack was a mere coincidence."

"Coincidence or not, Carla is involved!" Matt sighed at my words. "She could be partnering with others. The Carla I know would want to make sure the job was completed. She'd be here-"


"I know she's here."


"She's close! Let's grab her while we still can-"

"Mia!" Matt aggressively spoke. "Enough!" He shut me up. "We need to talk." He then narrowed his eyes at Yeira. "Without the child present."

"Hey!" Yeira protested. "I'm an adult!"

"Yei, go upstairs." I narrowed my eyes at Matt.


"Now, dammit!" I snapped at her.

Yeira sighed, but nodded. I felt bad as she trudged out the room. I then returned my harsh glare to Matt who gave me an agitated look. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he exhaled out his mouth. He then covered his mouth while debating his next words.

"We will not be doing anymore activities tonight." I opened my mint to protest, but he beat me to it. "We are all exhausted. We need to rest and then reconvene in the morning."

"It is the morning! It's 3:29am!"

"Amelia, the answer is no. I'm not going to put MY team at risk over some hunch you have. We don't have confirmation if Carla was involved or not. We have no video evidence of her even being there. There's assassins trying to kill your daughter as well, so I don't think I'm just gonna jump on your side and automatically believe it's ONE person."

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