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Zena's POV

I was peacefully sleeping when all of a sudden loud symbols were heard. I jumped up to see Yeira flicker the lights while crashing symbols together. I covered my ears and yelled at her to stop, but she started to obnoxiously sing. I threw my pillow at her which got her to stop. Yeira then blew a whistle and told me to drop and give her 50.

"Will you quit it?!" I shouted at her. "It's 5am!"

"And time to get up." Yeira yanked the covers off. "First rule of being a vampire is that we don't sleep! We are up and about at all hours, Zena!"

"Well, this vampire sleeps." I huffed.

"Quite the contrary." Yeira jumped on me. "You are to be a fully fledged vampire and you're acting like a hybrid, so get up!" I yelped when she rolled me off the bed.

After arguing with her for a while, I reluctantly got ready. I quickly made my way to the private classroom. I gulped as Ms. Thatcher narrowed her eyes at me. She lectured me about being late. I stated that I was on time, but she claimed being on time is late. And early is still late. Damn, I can't win with this woman.

Ms. Thatcher was still pissed at me for missing that last exam. But, I had to help Gran with her girlfriend. I don't regret it, but Ms. Thatcher has been giving me shit for missing the exam. Granted, I didn't tell her the reason for missing, but still! She can lay off me for a bit.

Ms. Thatcher slapped her silver ruler on my desk and told me to begin. I gulped and nodded as I began the test. Sheesh! This thing is hard. Like history about the vampire family, but written in the most archaic form of French ever! And the questions are worded so tricky. I'm really gonna fail this exam again. I groaned and rested my face on the desk. Maman is gonna be so disappointed in me.

Ms. Thatcher released a satisfied hum before stating that she'd be right back. I nodded and continued with the exam. I was stuck. Like, I still haven't gotten past the first question and it's been 15 minutes!

Thwack! Thwack!

I turned to see Yeira knocking on the window. I quickly shook my head but she ignored me and entered the room. Yeira strolled up next to me and snatched the paper. I tried to grab it back while she peered at it.

"History." She muttered. "BOOOOORING!" She yelled.

"Stop it!" I hissed. "And leave! If she sees you, then she'll think I'm cheating."

"Not with those answers." She flickered her eyes at the paper.

"Really?! Am I that far off?" I dejectedly sighed.

"Way off." She sat in a seat next to me. "You're reading the questions wrong. The extra detail here isn't important." Yeira grabbed my pen and crossed it out. "Notice the pattern with other questions." She guided me. "It's like a code written in the question that you have to decipher."

"She never explained that!" I whined.

"That's because it's something that we're taught from a young age. It's something that you're assumed to have known." Yeira shrugged. "Just-"

"What's going on in here?" Ms. Thatcher entered. "Cheating. And from the heir?" She scoffed.

"No! It's not-"

"Zero. Failure. Queen Allura will be made aware."

"Please, no." I begged.

"And begging?! What a disgrace!" She snapped.

"Please, Maman wouldn't even be surprised how this turned out." Yeira smirked.

"The headmaster will be made aware." She flitted out the room.

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