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Later that night

"Ughhhhh" Rose said quietly, rolling her eyes and walking downstairs, Jack following. She slumped onto the sofa, Jack sitting beside her "tell me she's not gonna stay like that" "she's just tired" "oh for goodness sake, we're all tired Jack!" Rose said, clearly warn out from the day. "Yes, but not all of us have parents fighting in the war, do we Rose?" He snapped "I don't think you understand how fortunate we are that I didn't get sent off to fight. This war has barely effected us, so show a scared 13 year old some compassion, hey?" He stood up and walked to the kitchen frustrated.

Rose sighed to herself and put her head in her hands, knowing Jack was right. She followed him to the kitchen "sorry... I didn't think of it like that... but she is stressing me out Jack" "it's fine... Rose I know your stressed by it, I am too, but we just need to be patient with them, okay?" Rose nodded in response.


They sat on the sofa for around an hour and a half before going upstairs. Jack stopped outside the twins room "should we check if their okay?" He whispered, to which Rose nodded. He opened the door to find no one in there, making them panic "where are they!?" Jack said concerned. "Let's go see if Grace is in her room" Rose nodded, Jack let her check, not wanting to go into Grace's bedroom without knowing she was decent. "Jack" Rose whispered after opening the door, he crept up behind her to see Grace asleep in the middle of her bed, Harry and Poppy either side of her. "They really do love her, hey?" Rose whispered and smiled gently, Jack nodded in response "do we move them back to their own room?" He asked unsure "no, leave them" Rose said and quietly shut the door, walking off to her and Jacks room.


Jack and Rose woke up that following morning, glancing at the clock, they saw it was 8am. "Do we go and wake them up?" Jack whispered "no, there's no reason to. We'll just check if they're awake, incase they didn't want to go downstairs without us" Rose yawned as she got out of bed, wrapping her dressing gown around herself. Jack nodded "okay" he said as he and Rose walked into Grace's room. They opened the door to see Grace still asleep and the twins sat on the floor, playing with their teddy's but not speaking, Rose assumed it was because they didn't want to wake up Grace. "Good morning" Rose smiled at them "hello" Harry said quietly "would any of you like some breakfast?" "Breakfast?" Harry asked confused "yes..." Jack said also confused, but not wanting to ask him why he's confused by the offer. "Yes please!" Harry and Poppy said in unison "come on" Rose said and held out her hand and Harry ran to take it but Poppy looked upset, Jack noticed and tried to distract her"want me to carry you?" He asked to which Poppy nodded and held up her arms. The four of them headed downstairs, leaving grace asleep upstairs.


A while later, Grace woke up. She immediately noticed the twins weren't with her and she panicked. She ran to their bedroom to see if they were in there, but they weren't either. She hoped they were downstairs and ran to their ran down quickly "Poppy!? Harry!?" She shouted "they're in here" Rose shouted from the kitchen. She ran into the kitchen and sighed with relief as she saw them, rushing over to them and kissing their heads. They were sat at the table drawing and colouring in, they had finished breakfast some time ago. "How did you sleep?" Rose asked and gave Grace a smile "good" Grace mumbled. "Would you like some breakfast?" Rose asked as she put the final plate away "breakfast...?" Grace frowned, sounding just as confused and Harry when he was asked "yes... do you want some?" "Oh... yes please" "what would you like? We have egg, bacon, pancakes, toast, or you can have a bit of everything if you'd like?" Rose smiled a little "just eggs please" Grace nodded "what did you two have?" She looked at the twins "we had pancakes!" Poppy grinned "they were very nice!" Harry added as they both got back to their colouring. This was the happiest she's seen the twins - possibly ever. She looked up and thanked Rose as she brought her over a glass of orange juice "we'll go shopping today, you can all pick out stuff you like" she smiled "we can go for a walk after as well if you all want?" Jack added, also smiling. Grace just nodded, watching everything go on around her, feeling an emotion she hasn't felt in over a year. Suddenly she realised what the emotion was... safe... for the first time in a very long time... she felt safe.


I hope people are enjoying this so far let me do it you are and if there's anything you want me to add to it let me know and I'll add it. The next chapters kinda short but the one afters longer to make up for it!

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