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Harry sat on the sofa, Jack's arm around him as he tried to reassure him. Harry looked up at Grace, who was sat on the other sofa "I'm sorry Grace" he looked down sadly "well you should be. Why would you throw her teddy on to the road?" Grace said harshly "he didn't mean to Grace" Jack said firmly "I don't care if he meant to!" She snapped back "you're nasty like Mummy!" Harry said sadly and climbed off the sofa, running up the stairs. Jack sighed and Grace's heart dropped "did he just-" she asked "he's upset, he didn't mean it" Jack replied before she could finish the question.

Rose and Poppy sat as a nurse put Poppy's arm in a cast. "There we go, all done" the nurse smiled kindly "when can I have it off?" Poppy asked "your Mummy will need to bring you back in 6 weeks, then we'll take it off" she smiled. Neither Rose or Poppy bothered to explain that Rose wasn't actually her Mum. "Thank you" Rose smiled at the nurse "come on, let's get you home" she held out her hand for Poppy's "will you carry me?" Poppy asked, her eyes heavy "seen as you've been so brave" Rose smiled gently and picked her up, leaving the hospital and heading home.

Grace went upstairs and knocked on the twins door "Harry? Can I come in?" "No, go away" Harry said sadly. Grace ignored him and walked in to the room "Harry, I'm sorry... I was just worried about Poppy" she said, sitting at the end of his bed "I didn't throw Flopsy on the road on purpose" Harry frowned at her "I know you didn't... and I'm sorry that I reminded you of Mum" "is Poppy going to be OK?" Harry asked, ignoring the comment about their Mum "she'll be fine. She might be feeling a little bit poorly for a few days but she'll be back to her normal self soon" Grace said squeezing his hand "she's made of strong stuff, she'll be OK" Grace said, pulling Harry on to her knee. "Am I made of strong stuff too?" Harry said looking up at her "of course you are!" She laughed and tickled him before hearing the front door open "I think that's Poppy!" Grace smiled at Harry, who gasped and ran down stairs where Rose was stood helping Poppy take her coat off "Poppy!" Harry grinned "carefulllll" Jack said as Harry ran towards her "we all have to be very careful round Poppy's arm, OK pal?" Harry nodded "How are you feeling Poppy? I'm really sorry" "It's OK" she smiled at him tiredly "I'm OK, I'm tired and my arm hurts, but the doctor gave me some medicine so it's a little bit better, look, they even put a bandage on Flopsy!" She held up the bunny "wow! That's so cool!" Harry gasped. "Should we go and make some dinner?" Jack asked Rose to which she nodded "you 3 go and play, but remember, careful round Poppy's arm" "Grace? Will you read a story please? I don't want to play, I'm tired" "course I can" Grace said and led her in to the living room.

"How was she at the hospital?" Jack asked "she was OK... in pain but really well behaved, bless her... is Harry OK?" "Guilt ridden" Jack said "Grace probably didn't help though, she shouted at him after you left and he said she was acting like their mum used to" "ouch... that will have hurt Grace" Rose replied "yeah... I think it did..."

"Rose?" Harry said as he walked in to the kitchen "Poppy's been sick again" "Oh God" Rose said concerned "Jack, get a towel darling" she said as she rushed in to the living room where Poppy was being sick in to a bucket, Grace in front of her holding it. "Alright darling" Rose said as she sat down next to Poppy, trying to reassure her "you're alright..." she rubbed her back. Jack came in with a towel and passed it to Rose "thanks babe" she said as she took the towel and put it on Poppy's knee. Shortly after, Poppy stopped being sick, she lent in to Rose's side, who had her arm round her, and cried. Rose kissed her temple and wiped the sweat from her forehead just as the smoke alarm went off "oh dear... look what I've done, hey!" Rose joked "you made Rose burn tea" Grace smirked at her "not necessarily a bad thing" Jack joked "oh very funny" Rose rolled her eyes "how about I nip out and grab us some pizzas? We can eat it in here..." "we can eat in the living room?" Harry frowned, confused "just this once, Rose might have something to say if we do it more than that!" "Too right!" Rose laughed "can I come with you?" Harry asked him "of course you can, grab your coat" he said as Harry ran to the cupboard.

sorry for not updating it for a while pls let me know if you're still reading otherwise i'll cut it short xx

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