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Jack opened the front door and let Harry and Poppy in "GRACEEEE!" Poppy shouted, wondering where she was before walking in to the living room followed by Harry and Jack. "She's asleep darling" Rose smiled "oh... I want to tell her about the dog we saw at the park" Poppy frowned, making Rose laugh "I'm sure she'll love to hear about it when she wakes up" "oh OK" Poppy nodded and sat on the floor "Harry, can I play with your building blocks?" He nodded "I'll go and get you both a drink" Jack said and gestured for Rose to follow him.

They walked in to the kitchen "she opened up to me, Jack. That poor girl, all of them actually, have been through so much. I'm not surprised she behaved the way she did..." "really?" He looked at her concerned to which she nodded "I'll tell you about it when the twins are in bed, I don't want them to hear, but I think she might start acting differently soon" she smiled gently. "OK" he nodded "but in the meantime, we have another problem..." "what?" Rose looked at him confused "Harry and Poppy... they have nits" "oh god, how do you know?" She replied "they scratched their heads none stop at the park, then I checked Harry's head quickly, Poppy wouldn't let me check hers" "Poppy won't let anyone touch her hair other than Grace. Could you nip to the store and grab some tea tree so we can get rid of them" Rose asked and Jack nodded "Why won't Poppy let anyone other than Grace touch her hair" "I'll explain it later" she nodded "OK" Jack kissed her head "I'll see you in a bit" Jack said, leaving the house.

Minutes later, Grace walked in to the kitchen. "Hi" "hello, good sleep?" Grace nodded in response "yes, thank you" Grace smiled "erm, we've got a bit of a problem" Rose looked at Grace "what?" Grace looked at Rose confused "Harry and Poppy have got nits, so we need to get them out" Grace looked disgusted "I'm not doing that... do I have to?" Rose laughed at her expression "no... but will Poppy let Jack or me touch her hair?" Rose asked "I'm not sure. We'll go ask her" Grace said and walked in to the living room, Rose following behind her.

Grace got to the living room and stood as far away from the twins as possible to avoid catching them. Rose smirked, noticing what she was doing "you two, you've got nits" she said very matter of fact "what?" Harry looked confused "they're like little ants that live in your hair, so Jack and Rose need to get them out" "YUCK" Harry said loudly, making Rose and Grace laugh. "How do you get them out?" Harry said, still looking disgusted "Jack or Rose will put a special shampoo in your hair, and then they'll comb them all out" Grace looked at Poppy, who looked terrified at the idea of someone other than Grace touching her hair "can you do mine?" Poppy looked at her hopefully "no, Jack or Rose will do it, but I'll sit with you" Grace tried to reassure her "Rose won't hurt you" "you promise?" Poppy looked up at her, not convinced but Grace nodded "I promise" "I promise too, darling. I'll be really gentle" Rose smiled gently at her.

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