Date Night

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Jack and Rose had spent the day as normal with the children. They loved spending time with them, but were looking forward to some time on their own.

"OK, Harry and Poppy are asleep in their room. They have their teddy's with them, but if for whatever reason they wake up and they can't find them, they'll be down the side of their beds. If they wake up they're likely to go and find Grace, but if you hear them, please go and check on them and encourage them back to their own room. Grace is upstairs, I'm sure she'll be down at some point, and please don't take it personally if she comes across as rude, she's just struggling with all the change at the moment. She needs to be in bed by 10 but can read or draw or whatever til' 11. We'll be home no later than 11.30, if you're happy with that?" Rose said, almost breathless, trying to remember everything she needed to tell the baby sitter about the kids.

"That's fine" Lucy nodded "thank you" Rose tried to smile "they'll be fine... Lucy knows what she's doing" Jack reassured her and put his arm around Rose's waist and Rose nodded "sorry, I don't know why I'm so worried!" She chuckled to herself "go, have a wonderful time! I'll see you later" Lucy nodded and smiled.

They walked down the hill towards the town, holding hands "so, you're back to work on Monday?" She asked "mhmm" he replied. It was Friday evening, so they only had 2 days left together with the children "do you have to go back?" She joked "afraid so" Jacked laughed "you mean you don't want to stay home and home school the children with me?" She smirked "oh no, I'll leave that fun job up to you" he smirked back as they reached the restaurant. Jack held the door open for Rose and they took a seat inside, ordering their food and chatting.

"You know what I was thinking before? Not sure why it came to my head though..." Rose said "what?" Jack asked "the time you passed me that silly little note at dinner on the Titanic" she laughed "well, it got you to the best party of your life, didn't it?" He smirked "that's very true" she laughed. "Do you remember the Irish dancing?" He asked "of course I do! You thought you'd be better than me but really I whipped your arse at that one!" "You cheated! You took your shoes off!" He exclaimed "sore looser much?" She joked "shut up" Jack laughed "and running away from the stewards in the coal room!" He laughed "one of the highlights" she laughed "and risky" he replied "you know, when I boarded that ship, I was truly and utterly miserable- obviously, I was trying to end my life... but meeting you? You always said meeting me was the best thing to ever happen to you... but really, you were the best thing to ever happen to me... most people would have pretended they didn't see a young woman ready to throw herself off the back of a ship... but not you" she smiled gently and took hold of his hand from across the table.

After reminiscing over the good times on the Titanic, and a few other memories since, they paid and headed out. "It's 10pm... should we still go for that walk?" Jacked asked, to which Rose nodded and took his hand.

They headed for a walk around the town before Jack looked at her "wanna go in the woods?" He asked her carefully "are you mad? It's pitch black, Jack" "like I said... I'll take care of you" he smirked, she knew what he meant and laughed, holding on to him as they ran in to the woods.

They got up from the ground fairly quickly after they'd finished, throwing their clothes back on due to the temperate "we best head home... that was fun... and as you would say 'risky'" she smirked and kissed him passionately "I never wanted that to end" he laughed "maybe we can have round 2 when we get home" she winked and he smirked at her "come on" he took her hand and led her out of the woods.

They arrived home and walked through the door "hi Lucy" Rose smiled to her as she walked in to the living room "hi" she smiled back "how've they been?" Rose asked, referring to the kids "they've been great. Neither Harry or Poppy have woken up as far as I'm aware and Grace only came down for some water and a snack, then she went straight back upstairs" Rose smiled to herself, pleased Grace now felt comfortable enough to grab food without worrying "amazing, thank you" she smiled as Lucy stood up "thanks Lucy" Jack smiled "here" he went to pass her some money "oh it's fine, don't worry about it. I hardly did anything" "please take it" Jack said, raising an eyebrow "OK... thank you" Lucy smiled gratefully "night both" she said as she walked to the door "thanks again Lucy. Good night" they both smiled.

After having a glass of wine, they went upstairs quietly. Jack went in to the twins room to check they were asleep. He crept in and tucked Harry back in as his duvet had more or less fallen off the bed. He stroked both their cheeks before leaving the room.

Rose carefully opened the door to Grace's room. The light was on so she assumed Grace would be awake, she was slightly annoyed as Grace knew she was to have lights out by 11, but on this occasion she would choose to ignore it. The door opened completely and Grace was lay fast asleep, a book covering most of her face whilst her lamp was on beside her. Rose moved the book from her face and put it down on her bedside table before she bent down and kissed her head "night sweetheart" she whispered and turned off the lamp before leaving the room.

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