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This is a longer chapter to make up for the short ones I've been posting x


Grace woke up around two hours later, she couldn't hear anyone so lye there for a moment before getting out of bed. She walked to the twins room, thinking maybe they've gone to sleep too since she couldn't hear them. She walked into their bedroom to see no one there. The beds were made and their teddy's sat on the pillow. All of a sudden she heard shrieks of laughter, but it sounded muffled, like it was outside. She went to the window and looked out of it, seeing Jack spinning Harry around and Poppy on the floor with Rose playing with chalk. She stood watching for what seemed like forever. Rose felt someone was watching her and saw Grace stood there, staring outside. Noticing Rose had spotted her, she took a step back. She went to get changed for the day before going back downstairs.


"Grace!" Poppy grinned and ran over to her as Grace came into the garden too "hey" she smiled and lifted Poppy up, Harry ran over to Grace and gave her a hug "are you both okay?" She asked the twins, to which they both nodded and smiled "yes" "good" she kissed their heads and put them down.

"Should we go into the kitchen and make a list of stuff we need from the shops? We want to get stuff you like!" Rose smiled. The children just looked at Jack and Rose... no response, causing Jack and Rose to look at one another. "We can get chocolate if you'd like?" "Erm okay" Grace forced a smile and held her hands out for the twins and walked into the kitchen. The 5 of them sat at the table "now of course we need grilled cheese!" Jack smiled "but what else do you guys like? Pasta? Mac and cheese? Chicken? Fruit? Chocolate?" Jack asked hoping he'd get some sort of response if he gives options "they'll eat all those things" Grace said gesturing to the twins "okay... do you eat those things Grace? or do you want something else?" "I'll eat them" she smiled a little "right! let's get coats and we can head out" Jack smiled

Grace helped the twins put in their coats and then the five of them left the house.


Jack spoke first as they arrived at the store "shall we start with fruit?" To which the children nodded. Once they'd finished the grocery part of the shop, they made it to the toy isle "would you guys like to pick some toys?" Rose asked "we get toys?" Harry frowned confused "yea darling... you can have two each, when we come back you guys can get some more" she smiled gently. Jack and Rose already had some toys at home before the children arrived, so they didn't need more than two now. Poppy chose a doll and a new book, Harry chose a new football and some building blocks and Grace got a new art set and a sketch book. "You draw?" Jack asked Grace, gesturing to the art set. She nodded "yes-" "Grace draws the best!" Harry smiled. Jack smiled at him and then turned his attention back to Grace "me too" "oh, that's cool" Grace smiled a little. It was obvious she wanted to ask questions but she stopped herself.


Once they'd checked out, they wasn't for a walk in the park before heading home.


"What would you all like for dinner?" Rose asked, Harry and Poppy stared at Rose almost frightened to say and looked up at Grace, who bent down to their level "what would you both like?" "Can we have pasta please?" Poppy said, almost a whisper, "of course you can" Rose smiled "is that okay with you Harry? Grace?" Harry nodded but Grace just had a blank expression "oh, I'm not hungry, Harry and poppy can just eat" she smiled slightly "you need to eat Grace" Jack said trying to persuade her to eat something "I'm fine, honestly" "okay..." rose sighed, looked at Jack concerned then turned the stove on.


The twins, Rose and Jack finished up eating - after continuously trying to get Grace to eat, to no avail. "Why don't you go and play for half an hour and then we'll do bath and bed?" Rose smiled softly and tan off into the living room, Grace following them


Around 15 minutes later, Jack and Rose could hear water running from upstairs "what's that?" Jack frowned at Rose "I have no idea.." she said confused. They walked past the living room to see the twins still in there so went upstairs towards the bathroom. The door was open so Jack and Rose walked in, finding Grace running a bath "Grace? what are you doing?" "Running Harry and Poppy their bath...?" "You don't have to do that Grace" Jack said. Rose just looked at Grace... there was so much to this child she didn't understand and she didn't know how to find out. "No, I'm their sister so I'll do it" she sighed frustrated and walked past them "Poppy! Harry! Bath time!" Grace shouted down the stairs and the twins came up shortly after hearing her. "I'll get them to say goodnight to you both before I put them to bed" Grace shrugged a little. Jack and Rose sighed quietly. There was no use trying to argue with her, especially in front of the twins, so they just nodded and walked away.


A little while later, Rose went and knocked on the Grace's bedroom door before going in. Harry was sat on the bed whilst Grace brushed through Poppy's hair, tying it in a loose ponytail.

"It's bedtime now" Rose smiled softly at the twins. They nodded and Harry climbed off the bed. Jack and Rose held out a hand each, expecting the twins to take hold of them, but before they could, Grace took hold of their hands and walked them into their bedroom. "What story would you like?" Jack asked "I make up a story for them and put them to bed. You can go now." "That's not your job Grace" Rose said, trying to remain calm, but it appeared Grace would never let Jack and Rose take care of the 3 of them. "Yes it is. Poppy, Harry, say goodnight to Jack and Rose." Poppy and Harry both hugged Jack and Rose quickly before climbing back into bed. "Goodnight" Jack and Rose both said to them, smiling softly at them. "Grace, come downstairs once you've finished putting them to bed please" Grace ignored her and Jack and Rose quietly left the room.

Let me know if you like longer or shorter chapters so I know what people want and after this is finished I'll do a Jack Dawson x reader type of thing or another one with Jack and Rose so let me know xx

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