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Once the twins were in bed and Grace had headed to her room for the evening, Jack and Rose sat on the sofa, Rose curled in to Jack's side as he had his arm wrapped around her.

"So..." Jack started "so?" Rose replied with a confused tone "I know it's not time right now... and I know we had this conversation a while ago, but things have changed since then... do you still want a baby? Or are we deciding not to now we have the kids?" He said warily "I still want a baby... not yet... but eventually... if you do?" "No, no, I definitely do! But do we have the finances to have another child Rose?" He asked to which she sighed "probably not right now... but once I enrol the kids in school, I will have 5 hours a day free, I can get a part time job, get some extra money, and we can put it aside for when we decide to have a baby" Rose looked up at him "I don't want you to feel you have to get a job" he looked at her, almost embarrassed "look, I'd rather have a part time job to save up for something we desperately want, than sit at home alone all day. It was lonely being at home on my own before the kids came here..." she said genuinely "are you sure?" He asked, to which she nodded "more than" "OK..." he smiled gently "so the kids? We're putting them in school?" He asked "I think it's a good idea, it gives them a chance to interact with other kids their ages and make friends, get in to a better routine... we didn't last time because we knew they would be going back to New York and didn't want them to get attached to something they would have to leave... but that's not a problem now... but we don't have to send them if you don't want us to?" She looked up at him "no, I agree, it'll do them a world of good" he nodded. "Brilliant" she smiled "we'll talk to them about it tomorrow"

They sat downstairs for a while, Rose reading a book as Jack did some drawing. An hour or so passed and Rose yawned "I'm going to go up to bed, I'm exhausted" she smiled as she stood up and folded the blanket that was over her. "I'll come with you, I'm tired too" he smiled and held his hand out. They walked up the stairs, seeing Grace's bedroom door shut and seeing no light between the crack of the door, they knew she would be asleep. They checked on the twins who were also asleep, Harry's duvet practically on the floor again "I see that's not changed then" he whispered and laughed, lifting it up and putting it back over him "I don't know how he does it" he said as he walked away from him and followed Rose out the door.

Once they were in their bedroom, they climbed in to bed. "Night darling" Rose smiled, leaning over to kiss her "goodnight" Rose smiled, kissing him back and stroking his cheek "love you" "I love you too" he said and laid down, wrapping his arm around her, they both fell asleep quickly.

sorry it's so short! the story will be done in the next week or so xx

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