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They arrived home and Jack carefully lay Poppy on the sofa "there you go darling.. I'm going to go and get the Doctor, but Rose will stay with you, OK?" Poppy nodded "OK" she said wiping her eyes, she'd been crying from the pain the more she came round from being unconscious.

Jack left and Rose sat on the floor by Poppy's head, stroking her her hair. "I'm sorry Poppy..." Harry said quietly "it's OK" Poppy replied and Rose gave Harry a weak smile "well you should be sorry" Grace said in a passive aggressive tone "Grace" Rose said, raising an eyebrow but her attention was caught as Poppy spoke "Rose, I'm really tired" she rubbed her eyes with her uninjured arm. "I know darling, Jack should be back soon with the Doctor-... ah, here he is" she kissed her head as she stood up to move out the doctors way so he could get to Poppy "hello young lady" the young doctor smiled at Poppy as he bent down to where Rose had just been "I hear you've hurt your arm and your head?" Poppy nodded, her eyes heavy as she threw up on the sofa, managing to avoid being sick on herself "oh baby" Rose said sympathetically as Jack ran upstairs to get a towel, returning and putting it over her incase she were to be sick again. "I'm- I'm sorry" Poppy said fearfully, worried she would be in trouble over being sick on the sofa "hey, it's OK, you don't need to be sorry! It'll wash!" Rose smiled reassuringly.

"It seems she's got a bit of concussion... you'll need keep a close eye on her, but in the meantime, let's stay focused on that head. It's got a bit of a cut on it, so I'm going to need to clean it and glue it together, alright?" "Glue my head?" Poppy frowned, confused, but winced as her forehead moved "yes" the doctor smiled "it won't hurt too much, it'll just mean your head heals quicker" "I don't want you to glue my head" she said "come on Poppy, I'll hold your hand if you like?" Grace said from the other sofa, to which Poppy nodded "good girl" Grace replied.

"Now, this arm..." the doctor said "I'm pretty sure it's broken, but I need you to have an x ray just to make sure, so when I've fixed your head, I'll need Jack or Rose to take you to the hospital" he continued and got some wipes and medical glue out of his bag "this might sting a little bit" the Doctor said. Grace came over quickly and held Poppy's hand "owww" Poppy began to cry "it hurtsssss" Jack and Rose looked at one another, feeling sorry for Poppy. "I'm almost done... there we go" The Doctor said as he put a plaster over the cut "I'm just going to put your arm in here until you've had an x ray, it will make it hurt a little less, OK?" Poppy nodded and the Doctor helped her sit up and put on a sling "are one of you OK to take her to the hospital for an x ray?" The doctor asked Jack and Rose "of course" Rose nodded "I'm going with you" Grace said, still holding Poppy's hand "I'm afraid only one person can go with patients at the moment due to the war, they want as few people as possible in there. But she shouldn't be there long, she'll be home before you know it" the doctor smiled a little "now, you tell Jack or Rose if you start to feel unwell, and I'll come straight back, OK?" The doctor looked at Poppy who nodded "thank you" she more or less whispered to which he smiled and stood up. "What about her head injury? Can we let her sleep?" "Keep her awake for the next few hours, if she's OK between now and then, then she can sleep, but you'll need to wake her up every so often to check she's alright. If she's sick 3 or more times from now, come and get me straight away" he replied.

"Thanks Doctor" Rose thanked him, as did Jack and showed him out.

"Right missy, let's get you to the hospital" Rose smiled gently at her and looked up at Jack "who's taking her?" "You take her" he nodded "I'll be here when you get back, alright?" Jack said as he bent down and moved the hair from her face. Poppy nodded "OK" she went to hug him but winced in pain where her arm was "try and keep it still sweetheart" Jack smiled "here" he picked her up, placing her on the floor. Grace walked over and kissed her head "I'll see you later, alright? Be brave" she smiled down at her, clearly worried. "I will be" she smiled a little "love you" "love you too" Grace replied. Rose smiled gently, watching the 2 of them interact "come on sweetheart" she held her hand out for Poppy, using her other hand to stroke Harry's check as she walked past him, trying to reassure him.

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