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The week went on and Jack, Rose and the children had gotten in to a smooth routine; Jack would go to work, Rose and the kids would home school, Jack would come home, they'd spend some time the 5 of them, eat dinner, do the twins bedtime routine, spend some time with Grace, then spend some time alone when Grace had gone to up to bed.

The weekend arrived and Harry came rushing down stairs "are we meeting your friend and their little boys today?!" He grinned up at Jack who was sat on the sofa with his coffee "yes, but not for a few hours yet mate" he laughed at his enthusiasm "are your sisters awake?" Rose said, also laughing "no" Harry said, shaking his head "should I wake them up?" "Noooo" Rose said "they'd be less than impressed with the 3 of us" she laughed "that's true" Grace said as she walked in to the living room "oops, sorry Grace" Harry looked up at her with a guilty look on his face, making her chuckle "it's OK" she kissed his head.

A few hours later, Jack, Rose and the children arrived at Will and Alice's house "hello" Alice smiled, letting them in "hey, you doing?" Jack smiled at her "hi!" Rose smiled at Alice and kissed her cheek before Will came in to the hallway and kissed Rose's cheek "long time no see!" He laughed and she smiled and nodded "this is Harry and Poppy" she smiled, putting her hands on the twins heads, who were holding hands with one another, clearly a little anxious "and this is Grace" she smiled and gestured to Grace. "Hi" Grace smiled "hello" Alice smiled to the 3 of them "follow me, the boys are in the living room" she said, leading them in "these are our sons, Thomas and George" she said to Harry, Poppy and Grace "hello" Thomas and George said "do you want to play with us?" George (the younger boy) asked "yes please" Harry nodded and sat down with them "would you like to play too?" Thomas said, looking at Poppy. Poppy clung to Grace's arm shyly "no thank you..." "Go on Poppy, I'll stay with you" Grace said and rubbed her back "OK..." Poppy said nervously and sat on the floor with the boys "feel free to sit down" Alice smiled at Grace "oh, thank you" "We're going to go for a catch up in the kitchen, Grace. Are you OK to watch them please?" Rose asked, gesturing to the children "yeah" Grace nodded and opened her book that she'd brought "thanks darling" she smiled at her and followed Jack, Alice and Will to the kitchen.

"So, how are you finding it? Taking care of them?" Alice asked, passing Jack and Rose a drink "interesting..." Jack said, making Rose raise an eyebrow at him "no, it's tiring sometimes, but they're good kids. They behave and are polite" she nodded "just a shock to the system" Jack laughed "that's what happens when you go from no children to 3 overnight..." Will laughed "what are they like? How are they finding home school? I still don't understand why you won't send them to school" "The twins are quiet, and Grace is very protective. They're starting to come out of their shells now though, which is nice to see. Home school is OK, they're starting to learn more as well... we don't want to send them to normal school because they'll make lots of friends, and get used it, and probably love it, and then they'll have to leave it all behind and go back to New York after the war" Rose gave the weakest smile. Alice smiled "I understand... well, they're more than welcome here anytime if you two ever want time to yourselves... I know you were trying before Grace and the twins" Alice smiled softly. Jack and Rose had been trying for a baby for just over a year, since they got married, but it hadn't happened yet "thanks Alice... but I think getting pregnant is the last thing we need at the minute" she laughed ever so slightly "doesn't mean we can't try" Jack winked "Jack!" Rose said shocked, not wanting her sex life to be discussed with their friends. "sorry..." Jack replied, almost as though he was a child that had just been told off. Will sat laughing at the comment, causing Alice to kick him under the table. "The boys are obviously always welcome at our house too" Rose smiled, talking about Thomas and Jack "thank you" Alice nodded and smiled.

The children sat in the living room playing on the floor whilst Grace was on the sofa reading, half listening to them. "Are Will and Alice your Mummy and Daddy?" Harry asked, catching Grace's attention. Thomas nodded "yes" "are Jack and Rose yours?" George asked to which Grace's head shoot up "no, no they're not our mum and dad, they're just looking after us for a little while" she said in a desperate attempt for the twins to not associate Jack and Rose as 'mum and dad', that would only make them more attached to them "but-" Harry went to speak "no, Harry. They're not mummy and daddy, they're Jack and Rose" she said as the adults walked in, Jack and Rose hearing what Grace had just said. "We best head home kids, it's getting late" Jack said "but thank you Thomas and George for sharing your toys with Harry and Poppy" he continued "can they come again soon?" George asked "If that's OK with your mummy and daddy" he replied with a smile.

After they'd all thanked Alice, Will and the boys, they left. It appeared Thomas and George had gotten Harry a bit giddy as he was teasing Poppy, taking her rabbit from her and throwing it up in the air "Harry stop!" Poppy frowned "you'll hurt her!" She said, of course, it was a teddy, she couldn't be hurt, but Poppy didn't understand that "no I won't!" He replied "you'll get Flopsy all dirty! Harry!" She said frustrated "Harry, give Poppy her teddy back, please" Rose raised an eyebrow. "Fine" he sighed. Rose turned her attention back to Grace and Jack, assuming Harry would just pass the teddy over, but Harry sighed, throwing the rabbit in the air a final time, except he threw it so high that it landed almost in the middle of the road "Harry!" Poppy shouted and ran in to the road "POPPY! NO!" Jack shouted, noticing her run out and he ran after her, but it was too late, a car had hit her.

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