
16 1 0


This chapter is mainly Grace to be honest, but probably needs reading as the next one won't make sense otherwise

Jack arrived home a while later with the tea tree "hey" he smiled to Rose as he walked in to the kitchen where she was drinking her coffee "hello" she kissed him gently "you ready to do their hair?" "Oh yes, I can't wait" Rose shuddered and walked in to the living room "Come on you two, let's go and rinse your hair and get this stuff in it" "OK" Harry said, standing up, still itching his head. Poppy just looked up at Grace, still looking terrified "come on" Grace gave her a reassuring smile and held out her hand. Poppy got up and grabbed Grace's hand and they followed Rose, Jack and Harry upstairs.

Grace watched as Jack and Rose put tea tree in their hair, holding Poppy's hand to comfort her. Once they'd done that, they sat the twins down and began to comb through their hair "I don't like it Grace" Poppy said within the first 2 minutes" "is Rose hurting you?" Grace raised an eyebrow, already knowing the answer, and Poppy shook her head "there's nothing to be scared of then, OK?" Poppy nodded slowly, playing with Grace's hand.

"All done" Jack said to Harry "let me rinse your hair then you can go play if you like" "OK" Harry said and walked over to the bath again, holding his head over the side as Jack rinsed and dried it "good boy" "thank you" Harry smiled and Jack ruffled his hair. "Am I done, Rose?" "Not quite sweetheart, I promise I'm going as quick as I can... it's all this beautiful long hair you've got!" Rose joked to which she laughed a little. Grace was still sat with her but she no longer felt the need to hold her hand, realising that Rose wouldn't hurt her.

Rose rinsed Poppy's hair once she'd finished and dried it a little "there we go" she smiled and tapped her shoulders. Poppy turned around quickly so she could see Rose and threw her arms around her "thank you for not hurting me with the brush" she looked up at her innocently. Rose just smiled at her ever so slightly "you're welcome sweetheart" she said sadly and kissed her cheek. "Now, do you want to go and play with Harry?" Poppy nodded and ran off.

"Thanks for not hurting her" Grace smiled a little "like I said, I'd never hurt any of you" Grace nodded in response.

Rose and Grace went in to the living room where Jack was sat on the floor playing with the twins "Grace!" Harry grinned "please will you help me with my building blocks?" "Yes" she nodded and joined him on the floor. Jack looked at Poppy "I'll be back in a minute sweetheart, OK?" She nodded and he smiled gently at her, standing up and leaving the room, Rose following him in to the kitchen. "Drink?" He asked as she leant against the counter top "just water please" she smiled and he passed her a glass, both putting their glasses on the worktop. Rose leant forward, hugging Jack and resting her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head. "I love you" she whispered "I love you too" he kissed her head again "I was thinking, if Grace still trusts us in a few days, maybe we could go out for a meal, just the two of us? I know we have them now, which is fantastic, but I don't want us to forget to spend time together because of it" he said as he ran his hands through her hair. She nodded "I'd love that" "that's settled then" he smiled to himself "should we make them some tea?" he asked, she nodded and turned on the oven. "You go back in to the living room, you told Poppy you'd be back in a minute" Rose smiled "you sure?" He asked to which Rose nodded. He kissed her on the head and went back to the living room.

Rose made the 5 of them pizza and called them in. Grace helped Harry on to his chair at the table, but didn't complain when Jack helped Poppy. "Are we going to bed after this?" Poppy looked up at Jack and Rose hopefully "you don't have to, you can stay and play with your toys for a while if you'd like, unless you want to go to bed?" Poppy nodded "can I go to bed?" "Of course you can... are you feeling OK?" Rose frowned, concerned and placed her hand on Poppy's cheek. She nodded "I'm just tired" "it's all that energy you used up at the park" Jack smirked at her "Grace! We forgot to tell you about the dog we saw at the park! He was big and fluffy and the man let us stroke him!" "Oh wow! That sounds like fun!" "It was!" Harry grinned.

As they finished eating, Poppy let out a huge yawn "come on darling, let's get you to bed" Rose said. Poppy nodded and walked over to Grace, holding her arms up, assuming it would be Grace doing her bedtime routine as it always was "how about Jack and Rose get you ready for bed tonight? and I'll come up and say goodnight when you've got your pyjamas on?" Poppy looked up at her sadly "do you not like me anymore Grace?" Grace frowned, confused "what? Of course I like you. Why would you ask that?" "Because you wouldn't do my hair before and now you won't put me to bed" she shrugged sadly and Grace picked her up "I wouldn't do you hair because you had horrible lice in it" she tickled her "and I wanted you to see that Jack and Rose wouldn't hurt you as they did your hair... and I think they should put you to bed tonight because they're the grownups... I promise to come and say goodnight though" "will you still tell me a story?" Grace nodded "if you'd like" she was coming round to the idea of Jack and Rose putting the twins to bed but she wasn't prepared to give up making up stories for the them just yet. That had been their 'thing' for the last 3 years "go on" Grace kissed her head. Poppy held her arms out and Jack took her "do you want to say goodnight to Harry?" he asked her and she nodded "yes please" Jack carried her in to the living room and put her down "Harry, Poppy wants to say goodnight" he put her down "night night Poppy" Harry smiled and gave her a hug "night Harry" she smiled then held her arms up to Jack again who picked her up and carried her upstairs. Grace sat on the living room floor with Harry and played with him.

Jack and Rose helped Poppy get ready for bed "can I tie your hair up for bed so it doesn't get notty darling?" Rose asked. Poppy nodded, much to Rose's surprise and let her put her hair in to a pony tail.

"We'll get you in to bed then I'll shout Grace up to come and tell you a story, OK?" Poppy nodded. Jack lifted her up and put her in to bed, tucking her up but she sat up and gave him a hug, he hugged her back, surprised. "Night night Jack" "night darling" he said as he rubbed her back and moved aside for Rose "night night Rose" she hugged her too "night sweetheart... sleep well" she stroked her cheek.

Jack stayed with Poppy for a moment whilst Rose went downstairs and in to the living room "Grace, Poppy is asking for her story darling" "back in a few minutes" she smiled at Harry and got up, walking upstairs and in to the twins bedroom. Jack crept out and Grace climbed in to bed with Poppy and began telling her a story.

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