Chapter 41: Knock You Down

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A/N: You were all okay with my skipping to summer, so... Two weeks later! The Pack made it through prom night and graduated the next week (Even Mat XD). Jason and Kenny stayed with Victory and Hope, and Megily stays strong! Thanks for everything Rosebuds, and here we go! ~Rosie <3

=Mitch's POV=

"Bye guys! See you later!" Jerome and I waved as Preston and Rob walked away, leaving Jerome's house because "Rob had to be somewhere." They were obviously just going back to Preston's to hang out and try to hide their couple-ness. It was pretty obvious. Right as Jerome shut the door, I finally let out the laugh I'd been holding in. "Oh... my God. And they think.... They think we don't know." I managed through my laughter. "Do you even understand how hard that was?" Jerome laughed with me. "I guess we know where Rob had to be. Preston's pants." I smirked, and Jerome's jaw dropped. "I think that was the best thing I've ever heard you say." He burst out laughing, and so did I. "T-The funny thing is.... You're so right!" Jerome added. "I would pay money to see their reaction to this conversation right now." I said, calming down and falling back onto the couch. "What I wouldn't do." Jerome fell beside me. I grabbed his arm and curled up into his side, and he used his other hand to play with my hair. "I love you, Mitch." I looked up at him, and he smiled. "I love you too."


Jerome brought the bowl of popcorn back into the living room and sat on the couch next to me, quickly glancing at the screen. "Really, Mitch? The Hunger Games? Again?" Jerome complained. "But.... But Katniss?" I pushed my lower lip out. "You really like these movies and books don't you?" He asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and getting in a comfy position. "My favorites!" I cheered, and he chuckled. "You and your Hunger Games." He sighed, but turned his attention to the TV as the opening scene started.

<After the movie>

"That movie gets better and better every time." I sighed with a smile as the credits rolled. "Honestly, I think you could quote that entire movie." Jerome said. "Should I try?" I smirked. "No! That's okay. I'm good." Jerome saves himself. "Aw, you sure?" I fake pouted, and crossed my arms over my chest. "Yeah. No offense, biggums." he answered, leaning over and pecking my lips. "You're mean." I said like a little kid. "Aw, okay Biggums.... " He smirked, and moved so he was in my lap. "No! Jerome..." I stretched out his name, and weakly tried to push him off me, even though I really didn't want him off. "Mitchy..." He copied me, and then crashed his lips on mine.

Keep rocking, and keep knocking, whether you Louboutin it up or Reebokin'. You see the hate that they're serving on a platter, so what we gonna have dessert or disaster?

I wasn't that big of a jag, so I immediately kissed back. He grinned through it. "That's what I thought." He mumbled, and I pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. He leaned forward so he completely pressed me to the couch. He quickly licked my bottom lip, and this time I decided to be a jag. I couldn't contain a smirk, and Jerome knew what I was doing. He pushed me again, but this time sideways. I was flat on my back, and Jerome climbed on top of me. His hands were on either side of my head. Not once did his lips leave mine.

I never thought I'd be in love like this, when I look at you my mind goes on a trip. Then you came in, and knocked me on my face, feels like I'm in a race, but I already won first place.

Jerome tried yet again to lick my lip, but I still said no. He pulled an arm away from my face and snaked it down to my waist. He reached under me and grabbed my butt, which made me gasp. He took advantage of that and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I didn't bother trying to fight him for dominance, given the position we were in already. He sucked on my tongue and I suppressed a moan. Clearly, that was what he wanted.

I never thought I'd fall for you as hard as I did, you got me thinking bout our life, our house, our kids. Every morning, I look at you and smile, cause boy you came around, and yeah you knocked me down.

I guess he could tell I was trying to keep quiet, because he broke our kiss and moved down to my neck. He kissed up and down until he found my sweet spot, and I let a small moan escape my lips. "Jer-ome." He smiled against my neck. "There we go." He mumbled, and went back to sucking on the spot.

Sometimes love, comes around. And when it knocks you down just get back up when it knocks you down.

Once he was satisfied with what he'd done, he came back to my lips. His hands went up my shirt, tracing what little abs I had. Then he started to pull on the bottom, telling me he wanted to take it off. I let him, and then I pulled his off. I put my hands on his chest as he met my lips again. His hands trailed down to my waist, playing with the belt loops on my jeans.

Hey now I'm crashing, don't know how it happened, but I know it feels so damn good. Said if I could go back, and make it happen faster, don't you know baby I would if I could.

My phone rang on the coffee table, startling both Jerome and I. He jumped off me, with a huge smirk on his face, and tossed me the phone. I smirked at him as I glanced at the caller ID. Mat. "Hey Mat, what's up?" I answered. "Turn on the news." he said bluntly. "Why?" I asked. "Just do it. Channel four." He said, and I grabbed the remote from the table. I clicked to the channel, and my phone almost fell out of my hands. "This is a joke right?" Mat said. "Tell me this isn't real." He kept talking, but I could barely hear him. "No." I whispered. "No, no, no." I repeated. "Mitch? This isn't happening, right?" Mat asked. I glanced to Jerome, who had a look of horror on his face. "Mat we need to get there. Wherever it is. Isn't that by the house?" I asked, unable to raise my voice above a whisper. "Yeah. I'm already on my way. See you there." Mat hung up abruptly, and I turned to Jerome, who's eyes were still locked on the TV screen. "Jerome? We need to go." I said quietly. He threw me my shirt and hoodie, and then we jumped in his car.

*Lachlan voice* TeeHee! ~Rosie <3

Knock You Down, Keri Hilson

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