Chapter 1: Birthday!!!

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       Today was your Birthday! You were turning (your age(y/a))! You couldn't wait to do more stuff, to an extent. Some things, you'd gladly wait for. But today was your day, and you were going to spend it your way. With your best friend!

       You knocked on your friends door. "Coming!" A voice called. It was your friends voice that called out. You couldn't wait to spend time with them! You haven't really been able to hang out since... We'll talk about that later.

      "Yes? Oh, hey! Y/n! What a surprise! I haven't seen you in forever, girl!" Your friend said, awkwardly. "H-yeah same for me too!" You chuckled, slightly less awkward.

        You really hoped they got over that. It wasn't your fault. And you were kinda being forced to at that moment. Seriously. If you could erase that whole event, but also keep you and your friend safe, you would.

        "Today's my Birthday. And I was hoping you would hang out with me? For old times sake?" You asked them. "Yeah, yeah. Sure. Why not!" They answered with an awkward smile.

       After a whole day of shopping and chatting and catching up, you and Y/b/f were now walking around a quiet park eating ice cream.

       "I glad you could spend the day with me. I really glad we could catch up too. I've missed you. You were always so fun to hang around!" You tell them. "Yeah. To bad you did that though. If you didn't, we wouldn't have needed or wanted to do this." They agreed.

       "Wait, what?! I already told you! I didn't mean for your crush to start liking me! I can't control their emotions! Plus they threaten that if I didn't date them, they would have-" "Yeah, yeah. Hurt me and your family in some horrible way. As if they could!" Your "friend" interrupted.

       You frowned, saddened by your friends tone. They still held it against you! Why?! "Don't frown at me like that! You knew I liked them FOREVER! But you just couldn't let me have them, could you!" Your friend snapped.

      "You had to have them, first! You always have to be the first choice!" "I already told you!" You yelled, eyes starting to tear up. "I didn't have a choice! I didn't want you or my family hurt! You saw the marks they left!" You stated.

      "Well I don't believe you! You know why? After our fight, I started dating them any ways! They told me that you inflicted it on yourself, to get attention! That they tried to stop you, but you wouldn't listen! Which is so much like you!" Your "friend" growled.

       "You WHAT! Why would you- just- Argh! How could you be so blind! We've been friends since kindergarten! And you believe them over me!" You said, shocked.

       Tears were now streaming down your face. You couldn't believe this! Why?! Didn't they trust you?! What made Y/b/n act so- so- mad?!(as in crazy) Was their crush on them making them like this?

       "Ha! Blind!?! Look who's talking!" They laughed. "What do you mean?" You asked. You were too emotionally hurt to think much other than "why".

       "You didn't think I would really want to spend time with you on your birthday, did you?" They stated.

       Something was off. You suddenly had this really bad feeling in your gut that said you missed something important. Something that you were going to regret. But you couldn't tell what, with all the other emotions right now.

       "Ha! Please! You really did! Hahaha! You are so cruel! I almost feel guilty!" They chuckled. It was VERY unnerving. Something was VERY off. "G- guilty about what?" You stuttered.

       "About this." They said. They pulled out a small knife and lunged at you! You jumped out of the way, but was cut on your left arm. You screamed at the sudden pain, and clutched it tight with your right.

      Something in your head clicked. They weren't worried about the threat, because they thought they could defend themselves! They thought they were better! That whatever their crush said was true, because they liked them. And even if it was true, which it is, they could protect themselves. But they greatly underestimated the real enemy.

      They lunged again and scratched your hand that was protecting your arm. You jumped away again, hissing at the pain just inflicted on you. You knew you couldn't win this fight, so... You started to run.

        You ran away, hoping to find some help or something to stop your used-to-be friend. Something hit your right calf and sent a sharp pain up your body. You fell to the ground, groaning as your body ached.

       You looked at your leg. Your, now enemy, had thrown the knife at you, and it struck it's target. A hand grabbed the knife and yanked it out. The figure stood over you menacingly. "Say good bye, birthday girl." You enemy said.

      You closed your eyes, and waited for the final blow from your psychotic enemy. But it never came. You peeked you eyes open to see why they paused. And, boi! you weren't expecting that!


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