Chapter 10: Should I or Should I Not?

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When you approached the stage, you decided to sneak into the audience and watch. It was amazing! You couldn't look away from it! You were too afraid that if you did, you'd miss something important! You watched as the disguised monkey continued his traumatic tale! It was mesmerizing to see each scene melt so easily into the next in perfect sinc to his words.

When he finished, you snuck back backstage and surprised him with a hug. "Whoa! Looks like someone liked the show more than the others." Macaque joked. "It was incredible!" You told him. "Glad you liked it." He smiled. "How couldn't I!?! How couldn't anyone!?!? Anyone who doesn't, expects to much from everyone!" You stated matter-of-factly.

He chuckled. You smiled. He really was cute. Agh! You shook your head, shaking out the embarrassing thoughts about crushes, then remembered the question you had. "Um, Macaque?" You started timidly. "Yeah?" He asked as he put the lantern down on a small table. "I- have a question." You stated. "And that would be?" He turned his attention fully to you.

"Um. Why?" You looked down at the floor. You were curious but, it was embarrassing to ask. "'Why' what?" He asked for context. "W- Why did you save me?" You finally asked. Why was that question so hard to ask?! "Hm." Macaque thought for a moment. "I guess, I just, felt bad for you?" Macaque questioned himself. "Oh." You said. You got your answer! Yay!

But, why did you feel a little pathetic? Was it because you couldn't defend yourself? Was it because you needed to be saved? Was it because the end result was your former friend had to fight an immortal monkey while you grew a crush on the same monkey? Ugh! That thought again! You shook your head, again, and looked up at him. "Thanks for answering. I was kinda curious." You added.

"Not so fast." Macaque said, stopping you from leaving the room. "I have a question too!" He explained. "I'll try to answer." You said. "Earlier, you mentioned spiders..." Macaque started. You sighed, and tried to shrink into nothing. You couldn't though, so you sat up. "I know you didn't go outside. You couldn't have. And New Year's and spiders aren't normally in the same sentence, or related in topic. I also don't have windows, so you couldn't have seen what was outside." Macaque started to list off all your possible excuses.

You wished you could shrink as each one was listed. "With that stated. How did you know that the Spider Queen would attack on New Year's before it happened?" He trapped you with that question. An awkward silence filled the room to the brim. You squirmed uncomfortably. You didn't expect to have to explain what happened so soon. You thought you could give an excuse or lie when he asked about the spiders.

But, listing all the excuses you, now couldn't use, you had no choice but to tell the truth. Oof! "S- S- So, uh-" you stuttered nervously. "I- uh-" A second option popped in your head. An escape route! "Your cute!" You pecked him on the forehead, and ran out the room. He sat there, face blushing pink, trying to wrap his head around what happened.

You ran to your room, jumped onto the bed, and screamed into the pillow. You barely got out of that one but, you just put yourself into another sticky situation. Great. Why don't you just dig a hole for yourself while you're at it! You decided it would probably be best, for you, if you ignored Macaque for the rest of the day. That was going to be hard. You literally live in the same apartment but, in different rooms!

Maybe you could sleep it away? Great idea! You didn't rest well last night, and you were tired, so why not! You slipped into the bed and, slowly, fell asleep. Macaque opened the door to check on you. He saw you were asleep and decided to leave you be. It had been a crazy morning anyways, and you didn't seem to have rested well last night after the "mayor's" encounter. So he just smiled at you, while you slept, and left.

Your dreams, however, had something else to say about recent events.

-----(in your dream)-----

You were running down a neverending hall. Pictures, scenes, and memories danced and changed on the walls. But you ignored them. You had to find someone, and they were at the end of the hall. You could hear them. "Y/n~" you heard your family call. You turned a corner, running towards their voices. "Y/n~" you heard your friend. You turned another corner.

The moments on the walls started to flash faster. "Y/n!" You heard Macaque call. You turned another corner, following his voice. The walls flashed faster as you ran faster. You turned a final corner, and there was your family, your friend, and Macaque. Only, your family was frozen in ice, your friend held a bloodied knife pointed at you, and Macaque was half covered in ice, just like when LBD "loaned" her powers to him in Lantern City.

"Did you know?" A voice asked. It was Macaques voice. "What?" You asked. "Did. You. Know!" Macaque repeated angrily. You stepped back. "I- I did." You admitted, guiltily. "Why- why didn't you tell me? I thought we were friends!" Macaque sounded hurt. "I- I- I wanted to but,- I didn't want others to be hurt by her either." "But what about me?! Do I not matter to you?! You would rather have me suffer than be honest?!!" Macaque yelled.

Only, it wasn't just Macaque. Your former friend synchronized with him on the last question. It creeped you out a bit. "I'm sorry." You apologized. "Sorry won't fix the damage done!" They scolded. They suddenly lunged at you, anger clear on their faces! You screamed, terrified of the two with intentions to kill! You fell backwards into darkness when they were only inches away from you.

You continued to fall and spin in the darkness, until you stopped. You seemed to be walking above a deep, dark blue lake. You started to walk around, searching for something. The air slowly got cold. You didn't notice until you could see your breath. You suddenly shivered. "Why, hello!" A familiar voice spoke. You spun around, look for the fake mayor. "My lady would like to have a word with you!" The "mayor's" voice echoed.

Everything flipped upside down! You looked at once was up, shivering and shaking. What did she want? "I want my destiny to be fulfilled. Nothing more." You heard the Lady Bone Demons voice say. "I assume you can guess why I arranged this meeting." She spoke. A chill ran up your spine, chilling you to the bone. "You are the only one who can stop me from fulfilling my destiny! And I cannot allow for some child to stop me." A figure behind you appeared. You turned to her.

"So. Now that I've made myself clear, are you going to listen willing to my advice? Or will I have to take some extra..." A giant icicle, as sharp as a knife, placed itself millimeters away from your throat. "precautions?" The Bone Demons eyes glowed threateningly. You swallowed, before you readied yourself to reply.

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