Chapter 2: What happened?

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       Another figure had interviened. You couldn't see who, due to the sun's location, but whoever it was was hold the knife against your former best friends neck. "I would do such things, if I were you." A males voice spoke.

      You laid there watching as the two started to fight. You still couldn't see the new comer to well. But whoever it was was an incredible fighter. You tried to watch, but the bright sun wasn't very helpful. Neither were the light specks.

      You laid your head down on the ground, feeling exhausted. You saw a figure walk up to you, then crouch. "Hey, are you okay?" The same voice from earlier spoke. 

      You tried to respond, but you were just so exhausted. Shopping must have really worn you out. Or maybe it was the adrenaline from the fight depleting? Who knows. All you knew right now was you wanted to sleep.

      "Hey, try to stay with me, bud! It'll be hard to help you if..." You couldn't hear whatever he said next. You were officially unconscious.

      When you woke up, you were somewhere strange, and dark. You felt a bed under you, which was really nice considering how sore you are. You tried to sit up to look around the strange, new room, but hissed at the sudden pain in your left arm.

       "Woah there. Take it easy. It's gonna take some time before you're fully healed, bud." A voice said. The voice sounded familiar. It was the same voice from earlier! A headache punched your head as small memory bits flashed, revealing the forgotten fight and attack.

      You flinched at the pain. "Are you okay?" The same voice spoke, sounding closer. There was a shift on the bed. You hissed at the pang of pain that shot from your leg, because of the shift. "Sorry." The voice said.

      The being stood up, and the shift of weight set another strike of pain from the same place. You whimpered this time. "Sorry... Again." The voice repeated. "I'm not to great at helping humans." The voice explained.

      Wait. Did he just say humans? You peeked oped your eyes, after realizing they were shut, and stared at the being in front of you. Whatever he was, he wasn't human. Humans don't have fur! Or tails! What the whack-a-mole was he?!

      "Hey. I'm Macaque. I'm the one who saved you back there." Macaque explained. "And before you ask anymore questions, I'm a mystic monkey with shadow powers. I saw that attack. And patched you up the best I could. As I said, I don't help humans to often."

       You just stared. You didn't know what to really think. A talking monkey saved you? "Did I die?" You mumbled hoarsely, confused as heck. The dark colored monkey snorted. "No. Just passed out. Trust me on that." He said with a smirk.

       You blinked. What? Huh? "So, are you gonna tell me your name? Or am I going to have to make up one for ya?" Macaque asked. "I-" you started, then groaned. Your throat felt so dry that speaking felt like running the inside of your neck on a cheese grate!

      "Hold on. Let me get you some water." Macaque said, noticing your facial expression change. He suddenly disappeared, then reappeared right next to you. You jumped, then hissed at the pain.

      "Sorry. I guess I should have warned you." He apologized. "Here. Drink." He held out a glass of water. You slowly reached for it with your right arm, grabbed it, and downed the glass in seconds.

      The water calmed your aching throat, but not much. At least you felt like you could breathe. Maybe whisper. "my na-me is y/-n." You whispered with a cracked voice.

     "Kay, Y/n. Hm. Looks like I'll be helping you out, until you recover." He said. You stared at him and gave him a weak smile.

      Who knew what happened! But all you know right now,  is that you're grateful that he saved you, and on the road of recovery.

      You closed your eyes to rest, then heard a small noise from... underneath you? "I'll be back in a bit, kid. Just got something to take care of." You heard the monkey say.

     You opened your eyes and watched as he dawned on a hooded cloak. The cloak reminded you of ancient Chinese puppeteers. You know, the kind that hosted shows with some kind of puppet. But his was darker. Maybe it was a shadow play?

    That actually seems pretty obvious, when considering he literally just mentioned having shadow powers. You mentally face-palmed. But, something about that seemed... familiar? Have you seen a shadow show before? Obviously not in person! But... on a screen? A movie? A show?

       You closed your eyes, again, hoping that the answer would come as you slept. It's been a crazy day for you, and rest was welcomed whole heartedly! Plus, there wasn't anything else you could do, with a stabbed leg and sliced arm.


      And a cut hand.

      Maybe you should be more careful with the friends you choose in the future.

(856 words)

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