Chapter 17: The Journey Begins

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"YOU KISSED MACAQUE!! You told me you cared for him and trusted him but, I DIDN'T THINK YOU MEANT IT LIKE THAT!!" MK yelled. Wukong stepped back. What?! "Wow! I know we've only known each other for a week but, girl, you sure pack a bunch of surprises!" Mei commented.

Your face went a vivid pink. You hoped that moment would have been private but, you didn't think MK and Mei would bother you about it this much. "Wait, hold up. What happened?" Monkey King asked. "Y/n kissed Macaque!" MK answered.

Before Wukong could make a comment, the drone crashed into the ocean. The waves crashed over the drone, slowly dragging it underwater. MK started to freak out and ran indoors. Mei followed suite. Monkey King almost did too but, he glanced at you and noticed your struggle to walk in that direction.

He sighed. He wasn't sure what to think about you right now but, the right thing to do, right now, would be to help you. So, he ran over and helped you inside. The second the door closed, the drone was under. MK popped out of the water that started to pool inside the drone.

"We're alive!" Tang cheered. The drone creaked under the water pressure. "How about you don't jinx us yet." You suggested. "Y/n?" Wukong called your attention. You looked at the gold simian. The Monkey King bit his lip before asking, "Did you really kiss... Macaque?"

The monkey made a face when he said the warriors name. You made a small scowl. "So what if I did?" You asked the gold simian. He blinked. "Uh- did I offend you in some way with that question?" He asked. "Because that was not the response I expected."

"Just your face." You answered. "Sorry?" Wukong spoke uncertainly. You sighed. "It's fine, I guess. I just, don't want Macaque to be anymore disrespected than he already has been." You mumbled and looked away. Wukong made a small frown. How could you even think of Macaque the way you do?

"So~ how did you meet Macaque?" He asked you. "I'll answer that once we escape Ou Guán." You answered. "What?" Wukong asked. That seemed like the most random comment to him. The drone shook. "A~ wut dat?" MK asked Sun Wukong.

Wukong looked out the window, then glanced at you. You looked away. He looked at his successor then replied, "Bah. It's just an old pal of mine come to help us out!" "Wait. Really?" MK asked looking at his mentor.

"More like former friend." You mumbled, paused, then trembled a bit. Tang noticed your trembling, mistook it for shivering, and lent you his scarf. "Thanks." You muttered. The drone then moved, as a dragon brought it closer to an underwater kingdom. "Okay, friend might be stretching it." Wukong admitted.

Once in the kingdom, everything happened just like it did in the episode. Mei being treated like the royalty she is, while everyone else, except Sandy, was thrown in prison. "Okay~ How did you know this was going to happen?" Wukong asked you.

"That's a long story for another time." You answered with a hint of sarcasm. "Yeesh! You're starting to act like him!" Wukong remarked. You glared at the monkey. "You even glare like him." Wukong semi-mumbled. "I heard that." You told Wukong.

"Hm?" He hummed. "Uh- Are you hearing things? I only heard Monkey King say "you kinda act like Macaque."" Tang stated. "What?" You asked. "You didn't hear him say that I "glare like Macaque", too?" Wukong gave a surprised look, while Tang was confused.

The three of you stood there in awkward silence for a moment. "Hey, Y/n?" MK asked, braking the silence. "Yeah?" You responded. "Do you think Macaque might break us out if he found out you were here?" MK queried. "Maybe. But I wouldn't worry about that. Mei and Sandy are bound to get us out. Even if they need to smash a wall!" You answered.

"While Macaque is in the topic, you haven't answered my question yet. How did you meet Macaque?" Sun Wukong reminded you. "Long story short, he saved my life." You told Monkey King, not wanting to go into detail. "He what? Are we talking about the same monkey?" Wukong asked, confused.

"Yep. Though, I guess you wouldn't know, considering how you instantly think him to be the same as the last time you saw him." You remarked. "Sometimes, with time, an enemy can become a friend, and a friend, an enemy." You added, reflecting on your experience.

Wukong looked at you then looked away, reflecting on his own long life. Tang and MK watched the whole conversation and were confused about a lot of it. "Um... Could I, perhaps, get more details on what you meant?" Tang asked nervously. "Maybe later, Tang. Maybe later." You told the scholar.

The ground rumbled and shook. Crash! You and the others got flung around the prison. "Mei! Sandy! You busted the wall! You busted us out!" MK exclaimed before collapsing on the ground. "Yep! Come on in guys!" Mei said proudly. Tang, MK, and Wukong crammed in the front, while Pigsy mourned his plastic spoon and you carefully and slowly walked to the back doors of the TEA.

Once you were in the back, you collapsed on the floor. That walk really hurt your leg, but you didn't want to be crammed in the front with the others for any amount of time, so it was kind of worth it. After a few minutes, everyone was in and settled, and the TEA took off, trying to escape the dragon kings kingdom.

If you remembered the episode correctly, the car would soon make a fast U-turn, Wukong and Ou Guán would have a quick argument, Macaque would show up, and then Ou Guán would "distract" Macaque so MKs group could escape. You face flushed a faint shade of pink. You could wait to see Macaque again. You missed him, even in that short amount of time.

The car suddenly swerved into a U-turn. While the others were floating in the air, surprised by the sudden move, you were flung against the wall. It must have been something about your position when it happened, because your head hit the wall first and knocked you out cold.

Eventually, you squinted your eyes open. You were on the floor of the TEA, with a blanket tossed over you. You slowly sat up. Sunlight was beaming in through the back windows. You must be in the desert by now, then. But that means, you missed Macaque! Dang it! You'll just have to catch him next time.

You sighed, disappointed. "Hey! You're up! Great!" Wukong spoke up, startling you. He jumped down from somewhere higher and landed in front of you. "So~ I'm just a little curious, what- how did Macaque "save" you? More specifically." The peach-loving monkey asked.

You gave a small frown. You didn't really want to tell him but, you knew he wouldn't stop bugging you if you didn't. You hugged your legs against your chest and sighed. It looks like it's going to be a long journey.

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