Chapter 5: Trouble to Come

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"You're ready." "For what?" "I found out where it lives." You pulled away from the door. Oh, nonononono! Not now! How? Why?!

You ran/stumbled to the bed and fell on it. Your arm screamed pain! But you didn't really care! You buried your face in the pillow, hoping that this wasn't real. Praying that this wasn't real!

You wanted it to be a dream! Really! You must be sleeping at home on couch! You didn't arrive in this strange world! You didn't get saved by a dark simian! You didn't need it, 'cause you never went to your friends place! You never decided to be stupid and think your friend would spend time with you on your special day with the past forgotten!

You totally fell asleep on the couch, while watching Monkie Kid! That's why you were having this strange, really realistic dream! It had to be! You didn't want your savior, and new friend, to be hurt! Not again!

But... isn't that what put you here in the first place? Trying to save a friend, only to get hurt by them? Will it happen again? Will Macaque hurt her for not stopping him and saving him from the pain to come?

What about MK? He really is a good kid, but... What if you met him? What if he found out you knew Macaque? And thought you were an enemy too?! Would he hurt you?

What about LBD?! When she comes back, will she seek to harm you as well? You've read plenty of fanfictions that often had LBD sense a new presence that was a threat. What if that happened?! What then?!

Sometime during your panicked thoughts, you fell asleep. You only woke when you heard a noise in your room. You peeked open your tired eyes and saw Macaque bandaging up his side.

He was back. He was hurt. And you could be too, if you let anything slip. You closed your eyes tightly, and soon fell back asleep.

Morning came, and you woke up. You carefully sat up in the bed, and looked around. You frowned. The whole Monkie Kid thing was real. You were still in the room, and still in danger. You just hoped it wouldn't get too bad.

"Hey! How was your nap?" Macaque asked. You jumped. Having not seen him come in, was only part of the reason why, though. "Heh. Am I really that quiet? Or are you really jumpy?" Macaque joked. You gave a small, nervous smile in return.

"Okay, something's up. What is it. What's bothering you." Macaque said. The dark monkey sat beside you. You looked at the ground, acting suddenly interested in the floor.

Macaque sighed, then grunted. He gently reached for his side. "Are- you okay?" You quietly asked. "Hm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just a little sore." Macaque answered. "But don't change the topic! I asked you first and answered your question. Now you got to answer mine."

You continued to look down. Macaque sighed. "Just so you know, I don't like this game of yours. I ask a question, no answer. You ask a question, yes answer. Again, I don't like it." Macaque said.

"I- know what happened." You whispered. You hoped it was quiet enough that he couldn't hear. But this is the six eared Macaque! Of course he heard! "What do you mean you "know what happened"?" He asked, curious.

"I- don't know how to explain. I just... I don't know- I know?" You tried. You facepalmed yourself for how vague you were, then hissed as pain arrived from the wounded hand. Macaque grabbed your hand gently, and adjusted the bandage.

"There. That should work better. And I don't suggest doing that again." Macaque joked. You smiled. "I- I know- about the trick. And the fight. And- other stuff. When MK was around." You finally clarified. "Was? You say that as if he isn't coming back!" Macaque nervously joked.

You gave him a look that said "you can't fool me". He sighed. "So... I may have made a mistake with trying to take the kids powers by earning his trust, but I wasn't really going to hurt him." Macaque admitted.

"You need to make it up to him. Though, in secret would be best right now." You told him. "Hm. You've got a clever mind, kid." Macaque sincerely smiled. You blinked. You didn't think the six eared Macaque could smile sincerely! It really surprised you. You thought he could only smirk.

He chuckled. "What?" You asked. "You look like you're mind just went-" he mimicked a mind blowing up. "I didn't know you could smile like that!" You defended. He laughed, and this time you did too.

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