Chapter 26: Surprises!

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Macaque helped you as you healed, again. The recovery wasn't much different from last time. He would carefully change your bandages when they needed it and, of course, stand beside you as you tried to walk again.

The only big differences from last time and this time would be; the two of you were strangers then, now you're lovers.

Another would be the change from episodes. He was a bit cold and awkward before, but now he was kind and comfortable around you. Before, he was conniving and tricky, now, while he is still tricky at times, he is just secretive. No more "evil" plans, as far as you can tell.

I suppose you could say that the episodes the two of you lived through, and the trust you gave each other, really helped both of you to grow and change.

You sat backstage, reflecting on everything that happened while Macaque performed. It was Friday, and this Saturday was a holiday. So, Macaque was performing his last show for the two-day weekend. Eventually, you heard the play finish and the curtains close.

Macaque then appeared from your shadow, and gave you a hug. "Miss me princess?" He whispered in your ear.

You giggled and hugged him back. "No. I missed your shadow." You teased him.

Macaque rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right. We both know that's a lie." He stated as he released you.

"False!" You exclaimed with a smile. "If I don't see your shadow! Then that means you're not here!" You explained.

Macaque laughed. "I guess that's true." He agreed.

You smiled at him while he chuckled. But once he calmed, he said, "I got a surprise for you! But I need you to wait here while I get it."

You sat down. "A surprise? For me?! Careful Macaque! I might start thinking you like me!" You teased with a smile.

"Hardy har har." Macaque responded. "It'll be just a moment. And I don't want you to hurt yourself while I grab it." He spoke.

"Yes, sir!" You jokingly saluted to him.

Macaque rolled his eyes and walked away. You sat quietly, waiting for him to return, until you heard some whispering. The whispers were rather loud, and it was a conversation between two people. You started to listen in on the two beings as they argued about something, trying to recall where you had heard them before.

They had a familiar accent to their voices, and both were male. "Are you sure this is where 'e lives?" "Of course I'm sure!" "But are you positive?" "Well, no. But where else could 'e be?" "True. Okay!" "Did you finish that side?" "Uh, you said you'd do that!" "No. I said you should do that." "Nu uh! You said you was gonna do it!"

"Hush! Do you want 'im ta hear us? Don't forget why we're here!" "Oh, I know! This was my idea after all!" "No it wa'n't! It was mine!" "Now look who's bein' loud!" "Oh! Be quiet! He ain't called six-eared Macaque for nothin'!" The two voices stopped and some somewhat quiet clanging rose instead.

Curiosity convinced you to investigate what was happening on the stage, where the two voices and clanging was coming from. So you stood up, and carefully walked over. This was the first time you were able to walk on your own again, and you were a bit wobbly.

Once you reached the curtains, the two started to whisper again. "Are you sure this 'ill work?" "Of course I am! At least, I hope it does." "If somethin' about this goes wrong, I blamin' you." "What! We both know dis was your idea!" "Hush! If we want dis to work, we gotta be quiet!" "I know that!" "Then be quiet! If we wanna get 'im back for that, we need this ta work!"

That did it. You were going to find out who it was and what they were doing. You pushed aside the curtains, startling the two demons. The two yelped and clung to each other. It was Jin and Yin! "What are you two doing here?" You asked. They glanced at each other, then one of them ran towards a strange pile on the side of the stage, pulled something out of it, then they bolted away.

You watched them in confusion, then turned your attention towards the pile. The pile started to rattle and tremble. You glanced over the pile, examining the objects until you saw a white hoop get thrown at it like a frisbee. The hoop was thrown by the brothers who were now by the door.

You glanced at them, still confused, until you heard a boom!- and the pile started to fall! Towards you! You gasped, and shielded your head with your hands. The pile crashed down, and a cloud of dust covered the stage.

Macaque heard the boom noise, and started to run towards you. He was so worried that he forgot about his powers!  He raced towards you with the surprise in hand, hoping you were fine. The crash startled him, make him stumble, then travel by shadow.

He came out of the shadows, on the stage, and noticed all the junk. He looked up towards the seats for the audience and spotted the trouble makers. He gave them a murderous glare that made the two extremely nervous, then the two dashed away at incredible speed.

He then started to search through the junk for you. He searching was rather fast and efficient, for he swiftly found you. But he grew worried when he found you. He scanned the nearby items for an explanation and found one. "Reversal Tea? Great!" He muttered as he pulled you out.

You were unconscious, and... um... younger. You appeared to be that of a five year old. He carefully checked you over, making sure there wasn't anything else wrong, and sighed. He froze, though, when you stretched and yawned, slowly waking yourself up. You rubbed your eyes sleepily and yawned again.

Macaque was broken. You were too cute! You broke the poor monkey! His tail made a little heart shape as he stared at your tiny figure.  Your clothing situation didn't help much either. Your shirt was big and baggy over your tiny body, and the bandage that was around your healing arm hung loose, acting as a longer sleeve. Your hair was a little shorter, and hung loose in slightly curly waves.

Your eyes seemed large and sparkly as you looked around. When you spotted the monkey before you, you reached towards him and flexed your hands open and closed, asking him silently to hold you. "Monkey!" You spoke with a toddlers voice. Macaque was broken... Again.

(1122 words. SURPRISE! What do you think?! I hope you like this! I figured this would be a cute filler for Macaques perspective during season 4! Let me know what you think about it! Love y'all! And have a great day or night!)

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