Chapter 15: Pain

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The darkness lightened. Then a sharp pain erupted. You tried to move away from it but only hurt yourself more. A scream erupted from your mouth. The pain was unbearable! Someone tried to shake you awake. You winced in pain and recoiled instead.

Something cold and wet touched your face, jerking you awake. You sat up immediately, gasped from shock, then groaned from pain, and fell backwards onto the bed you were on. You slowly looked around the room you were in. It wasn't your room, nor Macaques. It was to bright to be.

After looking around the room, you eventually found a face. Correction: faces. There were at least six faces looking at you. You jerked into a sitting position, then hissed at the pain and fell back onto the bed. "Take it easy there friend! We're not gonna hurt ya!" The giant blue being spoke.

You looked at the group in front of you. They looked familiar but, you couldn't place it with all the pain you have. "Remind me, who is dis?" A boy with a red headband spoke. "Just some random girl who checked on us while you went after the not Monkey King." A raven haired girl with green tips spoke.

"Yo!" The girl spoke loudly to you. You flinched at her volume. "Sorry! What's your name?" She continued her volume. "Mei, not so loud! We don't want her to go deaf!" A pig scolded the ravenette. "Please excuse them. They are a bit on the crazy side." A raven haired boy with glasses spoke.

"Hey!" "Tang!" The girl and pig scolded the poor man. "Hello! I'm Sandy! And this is Mo!" The blue giant spoke up and a cat walked up to you. You gave a small smile then flinched in slight pain. What happened? "And I'm MK!" The headbanded boy spoke up. "And that's Tang, Pigsy, and, my best friend, Mei!" He pointed at each one.

You looked, carefully, at each one then moaned. Your body still hurts from whatever happened. "Here! Let me check your wounds!" Sandy spoke gently. "I'll make sure they're healing properly!"

To your surprise, Mo, the cat, suddenly shoved everyone out of the room. Was that cat really even a cat? Cats shouldn't be able to do stuff like that yet, that cat just did. "I need you to try to hold still! I'm only checking a bruise on your side!" The blue giant spoke.

You stiffened up, an attempt to hold still, but the second he barely brushed your side, you recoiled and hissed at the pain. Sandy brought his hand to his chin in thought and hummed. "Let's put some ice on that. It'll help reduce any swelling and heal the bruise faster." He concluded.

Somehow, he pulled out a an ice pack and carefully placed it on the bruise. For a moment, you hissed at the sudden cold, then slowly adjusted to it. "Just a warning, the others are probably going to ask a lot of questions." He warned. You gave a very small smile in thanks.

Eventually, Sandy left the room to let you rest. You looked around the room, observing more details. On most of the walls were Monkey King posters. Against one wall was a very messy dresser, shirts, pants, and single mismatched socks dangling out of each drawer. The bed you were on, had yellow and red blankets on it. A nightstand stood next to the bed and had an almost broken looking lamp and a beaten alarm clock.

You heard the door creak open. "Hey! Sandy suggested one person at a time should come in, and I insisted that I wanted to ask a few questions first. It took a lot of convincing but I did it. Anyways, ignoring that long story, I really wanna know, what's your name?" MK spoke.

You sat there, processing what he said then answered, "Y/n." "Okay. Y/n, what were you doing there?" MK asked. You looked at the boy, hoping for some clarification to his question. "You know, at the theater! Behind the curtain?" MK clarified. You carefully thought on his words, trying to recall the event mentioned.

Your head started to pound. You grit your teeth at the growing headache. Then, your memories returned, crashing in your head. You gasped at the sudden pain. MK jumped, startled. "Y/n? Are you okay?" He asked, worried. You looked at him, now fighting to stay conscious.

The burst of memories wore you out rather fast, but you had to tell MK. "MK. The- she has Macaque! She's forcing him to work for her!" You whispered to him. ""She"? "She", who?" MK asked confused. "LBD." You whispered, barely audible. The room darkened. Silence grew.

MK stared at your unconscious form, back rigid. You knew about LBD as well! He thought he was the only one! And now she has Macaque! What is going on? What is she planning? MK quietly left the room and explained part of what happened to the others. He left the whole LBD part out, though.

They decided to let you rest. Whatever happened, it obviously wore you out. And you were injured, the best way for you to recover would be to let you rest. So, they left you alone in MKs room to do so.

A day later, you woke up. You looked around the now familiar room. It was MKs room. You knew that now. Apparently the blow the fake mayor gave, not only hurt you, but also gave you a moment of amnesia. You really hate that guy now. You carefully and slowly sat up, wincing at the pain that stirred from your movements.

Then, you tried to stand. A pain jolted up your leg, sending you sitting on the bed immediately. You hissed at the pain, and rubbed it carefully. It was, strangely, the same leg that was stabbed when Macaque saved you. You, unknowingly, sighed aloud. You missed that monkey, and it hasn't even been that long!

"Oh, hey! You're awake!" A voice startled you. "I'll let the others know!" You saw MK race out a door. Seconds later, MK slammed through the door. "I have a few more questions, real quick!" MK stated. He sat down beside you, on the bed. "How- do you know- about her?" MK slowly asked.

"I met her assistant on New Years. He threatened to hurt me and Macaque." You answered. "You know Macaque?!" MK asked, shocked. "Yes." You answered. "You're not bad too, are you?" MK asked nervously. You chuckled, "No! No, I'm not!"

"Then, why were you with Macaque?" MK asked, confused as to why you were laughing. "I- He-" You struggled to find the right words to explain. "He saved me." You finally answered. "What?" MK asked. Did he hear that correctly? Macaque saved you? The same monkey who tried to kill him once, captured his friends the second encounter, SAVED you?

"I was being attacked by a- former friend. They pulled out a weapon, and-" Your voice cracked. You missed Macaque. You had only one week with him, before it happened, to enjoy time with him in a new light. You confessed your feelings for him one day, and the next day, he confessed as well. But that was when the episode started.

"He saved me. Helped me. Protected me. Then-" You stopped to wipe away some tears. MK frowned. He didn't like seeing others sad, even if they were a friend of an enemy. Though, was Macaque really an enemy? Sure, he was a bad guy but, was he really a bad guy if he saved someone?

(1274 words. Enjoy! Thanks for the patience!)

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