Chapter 27: Bonding

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Macaque couldn't help but coo at you. He carefully picked you up and held you. He let you pet his furry head and trace the marking on his face with your tiny fingers.

His grin grew each time your little voice whispered "wow!" You whispered that little word each time you touched something that amazed you. You gently touched his bushy eyebrows then retraced his face marking.

Eventually, he even lowered his glamour. You stared at him with wide, curious eyes. You softly traced his scar over his eye, whispering "wow!" as you did so. Then something colorful caught your eye. You looked at the side of his head and saw multiple ears. "Wow!" You whispered again.

You gently touched his ears, tracing the edge of each one, and whispered "wow!" again. His ears twitched a bit, making you giggle. Macaque twitched his ears again, making you giggle more. Oh, you were too cute! Macaque cooed over you as you giggled at his wiggling ears.

Soon, his arms got tired. But he didn't want to put you down! So he decided to use his tail to hold you as he started to clean the mess that still remained.  You gasped when his tail wrapped gently around you, then you started to pet it.

It was so soft, you cooed as you continued to pet it. He stopped and froze as you pet his tail. Then he started to purr. "Dang it!" He mumbled as he purred. You giggled as he purred and continued to pet his tail. Your little smile disappeared, though, when he put you down. You reached out towards him again and begged to be lifted again. "Up! Up!"

Macaque fought the urge to do what you wanted, and continued to clean. You started to pout. He wasn't listening to you! So you stood up, and walked away. You explored the backstage area and wandered around his house. When you wandered into his dojo, your eyes widened in fright at the display of weapons.

You stumbled and fell, then started to cry. Macaque paused when he heard your cry. He looked around the room, now noticing you weren't there, then traveled swiftly by shadow, following your cries. When he found you, you were trembling and crying, and when he walked towards you, you crawled away, scared.

Seeing you so scared of not only the weapons, but now him too, hurt his heart. "Hey. Hey! It's okay!" He whispered soothingly to you. He squatted down and inched towards you. "It's okay! Your okay! I'm here now!" He continued to whisper soothingly. 

You didn't stop crying, but you looked over at him and crawled towards him. He sat down and you crawled into his lap. You clung to him as tears slid down your face. He gently pat and rubbed your back as you started to hiccup through your tears. "It's okay! I got you!" He whispered.

He gently spoke to you for a few hours, trying to calm you. Eventually, you just cried yourself to sleep. Macaque pick you up and carried you to you room, only to realize that, as he entered, it probably wasn't a good idea to leave you alone.

Macaque groaned in annoyance. He was going to get those two back for this. It's not that he didn't like you like this, it was the fact that he has to make changes all for your safety and happiness as a child.

He created a shadow clone to stay with you as you slept, while he went out to get some items for you for entertainment. He was going to need you to be happy and distracted if he was going to search for something to reverse these effects. He disappeared, leaving through his shadow portal, and reappeared by a toy store.

He went inside and grabbed a few items, obviously paying for them at the register, and returned to his place. He gave another clone his bags, then collapsed on his bed. Exhaustion had hit him like a wave, so he started to tuck himself in his bed and sleep.

His nap didn't last that long though. He woke up to the sounds of more cries. He groaned and summoned the clone that held you. He was a bit perplexed, and worried, to see you were still asleep, yet crying. You must have been having a nightmare.

He frowned as he worried that he might be the cause of the nightmare. He grabbed you from the clone and you fell silent. At his touch, you had instantly calmed in his hands. Macaque was confused. He sighed as he then curled up on his bed with you in his arms, and fell asleep.

The next day, little you sat on the floor enjoying all the trinkets he got you. You had struck and played with all the little instruments and stuffed animals, and were now doodling on a paper on the floor with a crayon.

You babbled random noises to a random tune as you colored. Macaque watched you for a while, then readied himself for the outside. You stopped at watched him as he walked towards the door.

"Eh?" You called out to him in curiosity. He chuckled and looked over at you. "I gotta go out and find some stuff. You're gonna stay here while I'm gone, okay?" He spoke to you. "Eh wef!" You blabbered.

"Okay! You stay and be a good girl, okay?" He chuckled. He then opened the door and left. You stared at the door, waiting for him to return, but when he didn't, at least, not when you wanted too...


(942 words. Hello! I thought I'd leave you with this cute and sad moment as an end of the chapter. Sorry not sorry if you don't like it! Love y'all! And have a great day/night!)

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