Chapter 31: Confusion and Comfort

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Sharp claws!





You groaned in pain and rubbed your head.

What happened?

Where were you?

You looked around to see yourself somewhere completely different than what you last remember.

This place was very different, almost.... dark. Like, inky black dark.

You slowly looked around, and noticed you were on some kind of mountain. You weren't sure where, though. You've never seen a place with black, flowing waterfalls everywhere, seeming to flow from cracks that appeared to break the surroundings and reality.

Were you dead?

No. That doesn't make sense.

But if you weren't dead, then where are you?

A stone podium caught your eye, because it was in the center of the top of this mountain.

You walked towards it and noticed a smaller stone, broken in half, just in front of the podium.

Normally rocks wouldn't catch your eye like this, but something seemed... different about these ones.

You picked up the two half's, looking back and forth between the two, then something flashed in your vision again.

A hooded figure, transforming into a giant beast!

A golden, glowing pillar, seemingly endless in height.

The multicolor cracks, growing worse by the second!

Five different colored stone, protect by five giant silhouetted creatures.

A strange voice echoing "The chaos is coming! The chaos is finally here!"

A giant emperor falling and dying at the hands of a teal skinned lion.

A giant glowing orb of power growing large and out of control! Then shrinks into a flower, then turns into a yellow glowing stone.

A white gate...

You gasped and dropped the rocks, stumbled backwards, and noticed, a moment too late, that you had stumbled over the edge of the mountain top.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" You screamed in fear as you fell, then closed your eyes, bracing for impact and certain death.

The fall stops as something wraps around you, holding you tightly and securely, saving you from any deathly impact.

You peek your eyes open, then gasps in surprise.

Sun Wukong held you tight in his arms and close to his chest. He saved you. Where did he come from?

"Hey, kid. Are you okay?" He asked softly as he set you down safely in the ground.

"I..... I think so. Where are we? How did you find me?" You ask, still a bit shaken from the fall, but more confused at the moment.

Wukong sighs, then explains "We're in a scroll. A magic one. One that was cursed to prevent certain people from escaping, but failed."

You stared at him in shock. Pieces of images flashing in your vision again.

A dark bundle of sticks with gold engravings on them.

A teal lion demon, with a strong sword, holding the sticks, and standing beside a large, muscular, and wise elephant demon with yellow tusks, and a scrawny, yet swift and strong white bird demon with golden wings.

The echo of a curse on the sticks.

A large and powerful emperor falling at the hands of the teal lion demon.

You shook your head, shaking the images away as Wukong quietly says, "It's my fault."

"What is?" You ask, confused by his random statement.

Wukong facepalms and exclaims, "Everything!

"I made stupid choices, that put everyone in danger! I left my allies, killed my friends, betrayed those you trusted me, and made a mess of everything!  Some Great Sage I am. Can't even clean up my own messes. Can't save and protect the people I put in danger. Now the kid... MK, has to clean up my mess. Some mentor I am. All I do is put the kid in danger he shouldn't have to deal with."

The golden simian hangs his head and slouches in defeat, obviously feeling like a failure.

You stare at him in surprise and empathy, then, hesitantly, you gently wrap an arm around him, giving him a side hug.

"Wukong, you may have made mistakes, but so does everyone else. You're the 'Great Sage's because despite everything that's happened to you, you came out on top, victorious. And you're a hero, because you did it for the greater good. Yes, you made mistakes, but we, you, me, the others, always find ways to make it better than it was before." You try to comfort him.

"As long as you leave it better than when you found it, I think you're as Great of a Sage as you could be."

Wukong looks at you in surprise, gives a small and tired smile, and mumbles, "How did Macaque find someone like you? Because he's really lucky."

You chuckle softly and playfully rolls your eyes at his comment, then gasp in surprising, mysterious and sudden pain. Wukong flinches, feeling a similar pain, but less intense because of his immortality, and everything cracks and pieces of the surroundings start to repeat themselves like a broken record.

"Are you okay?" Wukong asks with concern.

You take a few deep breaths as the pain fades and respond, "Yeah. I'm okay now. What was that? What happened?"

(844 words. Hi! I'm back! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry it's rather short. I'll try to update again soon, but unfortunately I can't make any promises. 😥 Thank you all for your love and support! I love you all!! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01 ⏰

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