Chapter 28: Scares

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When Macaque returned, what he saw scared him. His whole home was a mess! Papers and crayons broken and scattered! The toys were everywhere! And you were nowhere in sight.

"Oh no!" Macaque whispered to himself.

"Y/n? Y/n!? Sugarplum, are you here!?" Macaque called for you.

After a bit of unsuccessful search, he decided to use his six ears to locate you. He dropped his glamour and listen. His ears caught the faint noises of crying and he followed it to the one room he didn't check. His room.

He peaked in the room and saw his blankets and pillow on the floor, as well as his shadow play cloak. Wrapped up and snuggled into the stuff, with tears streaking down her face, lay you. You had dawn his cloak, wrapped in his blankets, and cuddled with his now tear-soaked pillow, all while clinging to one paper and a stuffed monkey.

"M- monkey. Comb back!" Your little voice cried for the simian.

Macaques heart hurt at hearing your little cries. You really missed him. He entered the room and sat down in front of you.

"Hi, Sugarplum! You miss me?" He asked you.

You gasped when you saw him, then slowly reached a hand out, as if you didn't believe he was really there. When your little hand touched his face, confirming he was really there, you jumped up to him and clung tightly.

"No!" You exclaimed to him tearfully.

His heart hurt more after seeing your reaction to him returning. You missed him more than he thought you would. And it hurt him the most when you reached out to him as if not knowing if he was really there.

He hugged you tight, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"It's okay, sweetie. I'm here now. I got you." He told you as you continued to cling to him and cry.

The rest of the week, you wouldn't let him leave your sight. You would cling tightly to him whenever he tried to leave you, even if he was just going to preform. In the end, though, he'd give into your tears and have a shadow clone of his preform in his place.

Whenever he'd have to leave to continue his search, you'd cling to him, preventing him from leaving without you. So, today, he was carrying you around while searching for something to return you to normal.

He walked along the sidewalk, waiting to spot a certain sign as you cooed in his arms. He'd never admit it, but he liked watching you coo in awe at every thing you saw. And he liked it even more when you'd cling to him tightly, as if shy, when a stranger would look at you and adore your cuteness.

Once he spotted the shop he was searching for, he placed you down on the ground. "No!" You protested and clung to him tightly. "It'll be for just a second! I promise! I'll be right back!" Macaque spoke. "No!" You disagreed.

Macaque sighed, then squatted down to your height. "Look. I'll be right back, okay? I just need you to stay here and be a good girl for me, okay?" You looked at Macaque with a small scared face for a moment, then nodded with a pout. 

Macaque gave a soft smile. "That's my girl." He spoke.

And with that settled, he walked into the shop, leaving you outside. You sat down and stared at the door with hatred. How dare this door separate you from your monkey!

"What!? Is this who I think it is!?" A voice mockingly asked.

You glanced over at the speaker. They looked vaguely familiar. You pushed your toddler mind to remember who they were. The closest you could get to was them looking very similar to Y/b/f.

"Fwend?" You asked with your little voice.

"Awe! If I didn't hate you so much, I would have loved the fact you recognized me!" They spoke with venom. But you as a toddler couldn't recognize such hate.

"Fwend?" You asked again.

"Awe! You know what? I can make this work! 'Cause who's going to stop a woman from bringing her own child to a place?" She stated with a crazed grin.

Inside the shop, everyone jumped as a shrill scream pierced the air. Macaques mind raced as he slowly recognized it. "Oh, no." Macaque muttered.

He dashed towards the counter, cut through the line, swiftly gave the cashier some money, told her to keep the change, and bolted out the door. He looked around for your tiny figure, but he didn't see it. Another shrill scream filled the air, and Macaque chased it to its source.

He ran down several blocks, crossed a few busy streets, and turned a corner into an alley. He stared in shock at the sight. You were held up, pinned against a wall by your throat, tears streaming down your scarred and bloodied face, and the being holding chuckled like a maniac.

He thought the beating he gave them last time would have at least warned them against causing such harm, but apparently not.

"Let her go." He warned Y/b/f with a growl. They jumped and turned their head to face the monkey. Macaque took a step forward, but stopped as they placed a knife threateningly against your throat.

"Take one more step and I'll finish her!" They threatened. Macaque stared them down, thinking things over carefully. He looked downwards and smirked.

"You are going to do that either way." He stated, seeing through their threat.

His eyes glowed purple as he glared at them, threateningly. They swallowed, fearfully. The struggle was swift and short, the victor was obvious, the loser was... Um... Let's just say, taken care of, and the victim was curled up on the ground, crying in pain and fear.

Macaque used his clones to clean up the mess they made, and walked over to your tiny trembling form.

"Hey! It's okay! I'm back! I gotcha!" He whispered soothingly as he picked you up. "Let me take a better look at you." He sat you on his knee and examined your face.

A long, bloody cut crossed from your left ear and across your cheek, all the way to the left side of your nose. Your hair was messily cut short revealing a small cut on the back of your neck. A large bruise covered the right side of your face and your right eye was swollen shut. Your cheeks were stained with many tears, and your eyes held many more that weren't shed.

The sight made the monkey furious. He wished he made them suffer instead of...  He hugged you close as you continued to cry. You clung to him as he traveled by shadow to his home, and continued to cling to him as he cared for your wounds. You refused to eat any of the food he gave you, and didn't want to sleep at all.

You cuddled close to him as he hopped in his bed and slowly, the two of you fell sound asleep.

(1187 words. GEEZE! That was stressful to write! I wanted Y/b/f to make a return, I really did, but I didn't think it would be THAT STRESSFUL!! I hope you enjoy it, though! And I promise, THINGS WILL GET BETTER! There is still more to come, but it won't be THAT STRESSFUL. I PROMISE! Anyways, I hope you have a great day/night! Love you!❤️❤️❤️)

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