Chapter 21: The Lantern City

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For some reason, you felt a little guilty. You didn't know why but, you did. And the strangest part was, it was the kind of guilt like you knew something important was going to happen but, you didn't. At least, not that you could remember.

You were laying on the ground, staring at the ceiling, as MK was doodling. Earlier, he was doodling what he knew about you and what happened when he was around (because he doesn't know what happened when he wasn't around). But, now, he just doodling scenes of everyone and everything.

Of course, there was the occasional fuss or giggle about something, but you chose to ignore it. And there was one moment where everyone went to the front to peek at something, but, again, you chose to ignore it. The only times you didn't ignore something was when someone was talking to you or, like right now, when the car stopped.

"Okay! We're here!" The one you learned was Sandy spoke. "Yes!" MK cheered. He grabbed your wrist and bolted out of the van. Once everyone was out, you all admired the city in front of you. Then a train blared it horn, startling you so much that you jumped out of MKs grip and on to Sandy's shoulders!

MK was confused by this sudden action, while Sun Wukong nearly fell over in laughter. "W-w-what's so funny?" You stuttered. "NoThInG!" Wukong cleared his throat. "Nothing! Just, you reminded me of someone at a certain time!" Everyone was now staring at the monkey. "I'll explain later. Right now we need to focus on getting the rings." Wukong redirected everyones focus.

You looked over the city. If you're searching for a magic ring, in a giant city, where could it be? You examined the city, but all you could see was all the lanterns hanging around illuminating the city. In fact, there was only one lantern that wasn't hanging. Strangely enough, it was floating in the air, lifting other smaller lanterns that hung from it.

Something seemed to click. Wether it was the logic of magic ring → magic lantern, or something else, was debatable. But! It was worth a shot! "Hey, guys! I think the ring is-" another train horn blared, interrupting you and making you jump again. This time, you jumped off Sandy and dashed in to the TEA.

Monkey King laughed again, and gasped "I- I can't! It- It's just to-" The monkey fell to the ground in laughter. MK and Mei glanced at each other, confused at the monkeys behavior. "S-sorry! It's just, Liu'er mihou had that same reaction to trumpets when we first heard them!" Wukong explained, wiping away a tear while grinning.

It took everyone a moment to realize why that name sounded familiar. "Wait. You mean Macaque?!" Tang asked, having placed it first.
"Huh?! Macaque has another name?!?!" MK asked, surprised and confused. Tangs jaw dropped.

"MNJGHVYHF! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY 'MACAQUE HAS ANOTHER NAME?!' ?! I'VE LITERALLY READ YOU THE WHOLE BOOK MULTIPLE TIMES!!!" Tang shook MK until he was dizzy. "Uh, yeah, I kinda just paid attention to the parts with Monkey King." MK explained.

Tang frowned. MK got out of Tangs grip. "Okay. So, we know the rings here. Now, we just need to find it, make the Samadhi Fire, defeat LBD and save the world!" MK declared. "Le' go!" MK, Mei, Sandy, Pigsy, and Tang started towards the train station.

"Are you coming?" Sun Wukong asked. "I- I think I'll stay. The van blocks out the loud trains." You explained. "Kay. Suite yourself." The golden monkey walked over to the others. You stayed inside the TEA.

While in the vehicle, you wrapped yourself in a blanket, played a few games with yourself, and covered your ears when a train blared extra loud. The hours slowly passed and the sun had set, but you were bored. Maybe you should have gone with them?

You laid on the floor, trying to think of something to do when you noticed, the train station is quiet. That's not normal. You slowly peeked outside, it was still quiet. You hopped out of the car and walked towards the station.

Just as you approached, a monorail whizzed by without stopping. You blinked in surprise. Something is not right. The air chilled. You started to shiver. What was going on? Giant chunks of ice crashed out of the ground all around you. Suddenly, I milliseconds! You were trapped, half encased, in the ice.

You screamed in terror! It was so sudden! And it is s-s-so c-c-c-cold-d! You started to shiver more. You turned your head towards the train and watched. This ice must be why it went quiet! And it must be why the monorail didn't stop!

As you thought, while trapped by the ice, you didn't notice a certain dark simian watching you. He would have caught up with the train but, when he heard your scream, his mind flashed to you and when he saved you. You screamed when your former friend attacked you, then. But now, he was the one attacking.

That comparison hit him hard. He didn't want to but, his mind started to wander all the many comparisons of himself and Wukong as well. There were many times where him and the king got into situations similar to yours. He started to reflect on the past, subconsciously, until he heard the sound of metal slicing metal.

He turned his attention to the noise, placing himself back in the present. First thing first, he needed the fire to free himself, then he'll come back to free you, finally, the two of you could hide until this is over. He zoomed off, chasing after the Samadhi Fire.

You, meanwhile, were waiting for something or someone to free you. At this point, you didn't care who or what or how! You were too cold to care. Then, you heard footsteps approach. You looked around for the being, hoping for the best. A strange man with jet black hair, large white eyes with blue tints, and the fakest smile you would ever find.

"Why! Hello, again!" He greeted. For some reason, he sent a chill down your spine. You didn't like the vibes you felt. "It looks like you could use some help." He seemed to offer. You nodded, despite a small feeling of fear that grew in your gut.

You were cold, wanted out of the ice, and what's the worst this guy can do?! Creep you out a bit, definitely. But, upon closer examination, he looked a bit... Fragile? Definitely old! And was slightly stinky!

He snapped his fingers, and the ice you were in shattered like glass. "I know someone who would love to have a small chat with you!" He spoke. You shook off any ice that decided to cling to you and tried to warm up. "R-r-really?" You asked, still shivering a little.

"Mhm." He hummed, then chuckled. A bright beam from a nearby mountain lit the sky, catching your attention. You and the man stared at it for a moment. "We ought to get going now. My lady doesn't like to wait for long!" He spoke when the sky near the same mountain started to glow a magenta.

You nodded, not wanting to know what the glow around the mountain might be. The mans soulless grin widened, as he opened a portal for the two of you to enter. "STOP!" A voice behind you spoke. You turned your head to see a darker version of Wukong bolting towards you.

The man that freed you from the ice suddenly pushed you through and closed the portal before the dark monkey could reach it.

(1296 words! And no comment other than, trust me! Please!)

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