Back In Her Coffin

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Zed sat curled up in the corner of Adam's room, while Adam looked at him, concerned "Zed...come on, I can't stand you looking like this" he said, Zed didn't reply, Alexis opened the door "I thought you were checking on your brother" Adam said "I was, but I'm worried about our son" Alexis said "He's been like this since Camula took Crowler's soul, I guess the fact that the woman he likes is evil is setting in a bit too deep" Adam said "Let's hope he'll be okay" Alexis said, The two looked out the window and noticed a swarm of bats flying "Count Bitchula's returned" Adam hissed "Please..." Zed whispered, Adam and Alexis turned to him "I...just wanna see her face" Zed stated "You're still in love with her, aren't you?" Adam asked, Zed nodded "Fine, come with us" Adam ordered.

"Why are we going to the scary castle instead of running away? And why do I have to carry Zed?" Chumley asked "Because Zed's still recovering" Adam said "If you have a problem with it, take it up with me and Adam" Alexis snapped, everyone stopped and looked at her "What?" She asked, everyone turned and kept walking "Well, where's that attitude been?" Adam asked, smiling "It's your fault" Alexis said "Probably" Adam chuckled. The group watched as the castle door opened, revealing a flight of stairs, they moved up the stairs into a hallway lit by torched "This place screams death" Adam hissed "We're close" Zane stated, as they approached a large room "Ah, right on time" Camula said, walking into view "Looking for me?" She asked "Chumley, put my son down" Adam ordered "Finally" Chumley said, setting Zed on the floor, he looked up and saw Camula "Hello there" she said "Camula..?" Zed whispered "Yes, how have you been, darling?" Camula asked.

"We're here for Crowler!" Jaden stated "Yeah, so hand him over!" Chazz ordered "Yes, or else!" Bastion said "I have no interest in little school boys" Camula stated "She must mean you" Bastion said "No, she means you!" Chazz snapped "Are you ready?" Camula asked "Let's duel" Zane replied "Good luck, bro" Syrus said. Camula and Zane stood above the group, across from each other "Let's review, if you win, you get Crowler's soul back and I'll be on my way, but if I win I get your soul, your spirit key, and I can continue my quest to release the Sacred Beasts" Camula stated, the two activated their duel discs "Duel!" They shouted.

Camula drew her card "I summon Vampire Lady in defense mode!" She stated as the vampire appeared "And I'll set one card facedown, that's all" Camula finished "Really? Shame" Zane said, drawing his card "Because it won't protect you from what I have" he stated, revealing Power Bond "Playing Power Bond?" Camula asked "It allows me to fuse machine monsters, and I have the perfect three, my Cyber Dragons. Now unite and form the almighty Cyber End Dragon!" Zane shouted as the three headed machine formed "Playing for keeps here" Adam said "Don't hurt her, please" Zed whispered, Alexis knelt down to comfort him "My, I like your aggression, but Power Bond has it's risks, are you certain you can handle the consequences?" Camula taunted "She's right, at the end of Zane's turn, he'll take 4000 damage, but that might be a risk he's willing to take, cause power bond doubles Cyber End Dragon's attack" Chumley said as the dragon's attack rose to 8000.

"You're playing with lives, Zane, don't fuck this up!" Adam shouted "I want have to worry after this turn, attack Vampire Lady, Super Strident Blaze!" Zane shouted as his dragon blasted at the vampire "Forgetting my trap? I play Red Ghost Moon! Now I discard one zombie monster to the graveyard, and your monster's attack point increase my life points, now after your attack, I'll have 12000 life points" Camula stated "Wrong, I activate De-Fusion, separating Cyber End Dragon" Zane stated, as the dragon split back into three "And leaving Camula with nothing, Red Ghost Moon's target is gone, so it's effect is canceled" Bastion stated "Now that Power Bond's gone, Zane doesn't have to pay life points" Syrus said "I end with one facedown" Zane stated, Camula laughed "Now I see why you're ranked top duelist at Duel Academy" she said "Actually, you haven't seen anything yet" Zane replied "Well, I hope not, Zane, we've only just begun" Camula stated.

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