Distractons Pt. 2

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Tanya smiled "Really, I have the same problem, I have two decks. Me of knowledge and the other of courage, why don't you decid which one I use" she said "Fine, I choose the deck of knowledge" Bastion stated "Good choice" Tanya said, placing her deck in her duel disk "Thank you, but not nearly as nice as the decision I'm making for myself, I choose my earth deck" Bastion stated "Then let's begin, and don't worry, this isn't a shadow game" Tanya stated "Beg your pardon?" Bastion asked "Yeah heard me, Bastion, I don't want your soul, I want you, big boy!" Tanya stated, causing Bastion to stumble "Did she just say that?" Zed asked "I guess so" Adam replied.

"It's like this, my tribe's all women so to marry, I have to shop around" Tanya explained "To marry?!" Bastion yelled "That's right hun, now let's do this?" Tanya said, winking, as they drew their cards "Duel!" They said. "It's my turn, and I summon Amazoness Swordswoman in attack mode" Tanya stated, the female monster formed into the field "Then I place one card facedown and end my turn" Tanya said "I'm up!" Bastion shouted, drawing his card "And I summon to the field Magnet Warrior Sigma Plus in attack mode!" He stated as the machine appeared "Now magnet warrior, attack that Amazoness, Lodestone Baton Bash!" Bastion ordered, the magnet warrior attacked the Amazoness, destroying it, but Bastions life points fell to 3700 "Why'd Bastion take damage?" Syrus asked "Beasue of my Amazoness' effect, the opener takes all battle damage dealt to her" Tanya explained "He walked right into that one" Chumley stated "Yeah, that's not like Bastion" Alexis replied "No, it's just like Bastion, sure he has fewer life points, but Tanya has fewer monsters" Jaden said "Bastions smart if nothing else" Adam stated "Now, I play my facedown card, Pride of Tribe. This card activates when Amazoness is destroyed, now I can summon another from my deck. So tell me who's the smart one now?" Tanya said.

"You miscalculated on that last move, after all, now we have the same amount of monsters, but not life points" Tanya stated, Bastion took a breath "I'll play a facedown card, and that will suffice" Bastion stated "Oh my! 'That will suffice' say that again, it sounded so cool" Tanya gushed, Zed suddenly wrapped Camula in a tight hug "I'm so glad you weren't this crazy" he said "I'm thinking Tanya hasn't interacted with a guy in a couple years" Syrus said "Try decades, Sy. She's man crazy" Jaden stated "She's absolutely out of it" Adam whispered "I'm quiet flattered, but I see what you're trying to do, and I won't be distracted, my dear, I'm too focused" Bastion stated "Oh, are you? We'll see!" Tanya drew her card "I play Amazoness Blow Piper!" She shouted, as the female monster appeared "And I play my facedown, Magnet Force Minus!" Bastion replied, as the Blow Piper was hit with red electricity "When this card activates, it equips onto one monster, giving it a negative magnetism, making it a minus monster" Bastion explained.

Bastions Magnet Warrior Sigma Plus was surrounded with green electricity "And now this is where it gets interesting, two minus monsters aren't allowed to engage in battle, but a minus and a plus, if they're out, they must fight!" Bastion explained "So since Amazoness Blow Piper is a minus monster..." Tanya said "And Magnet Warrior Sigma Plus is a plus monster, it's on!" Bastion stated as the two monsters engaged in an electric beam clash "You know the phrase, opposites attract" Bastion said "I know it, I mean just look at us" Tanya replied "Oh, stop it!" Bastion snapped "Stop it? How about I stop you from winning this duel? I play Amazoness Spell Caster, now on Amazoness and one monster on the field exchange attack points" Tanya explained ("What?!") Bastion thought, as Blow Piper and Sigma Plus's swapped attack points "This is bad, now Bastion's monster is outmatched!" Syrus said "Now attack, Amazoness Blow Piper!" Tanya ordered, Blow Piper shot a dart surrounded by the negative charge through Sigma Plus, destroying it and dropping Bastions life points to 2700 "And now Amazoness Swordswoman with attack directly, Amazon Slash Attack!" Tanya yelled, the swordswoman brought her sword down on Bastion, cutting his life points to 1200 "That was fun" Tanya said, smiling.

Bastion grunted, still recovering from th attacks "But how? That's twice that she's been able to outthink me" Bastion strained "I guess we know where our kids are getting their smarts from" Tanya taunted "Oh sweet lord, she's really serious" Adam said, shuddering "What?! Our kids?! We're enemies, rivals!" Bastion shouted "Durring this duel, we are. But afterwards, we'll be betrothed to each other, think about it, soon you'll be Mr. Tanya The Amazon Woman" Tanya stated "Is that how Amazon names work?" Zed asked "Wait, you learned how to time travel, but never went that far to the past?" Adam asked "Not past you, I needed to get you and mom together" Zed stated "You're relentless. Truly are you that smitten with me?" Bastion asked "I prefer 'In love'" Tanya replied "You hardly know me!" Bastion yelled "I know enough, my little Sugar Booger" Tanya replied, Bastion growled ("Keep your cool, Bastion, she's just trying to distract you, like those card crushes distract Syrus and Chunely, you've always been above that") Bastion thought "I'm above all this!" Bastion yelled "Bastion's acting weird" Jaden said "He's losing it" Adam stated "Love works in mysterious ways" Syrus said "Quiet, I'm not in love!" Bastion shouted.

Bastion drew his next card "My turn! I play Magnet Conductor Plus! This allows me to bring a plus monster from the graveyard to my hand, and I bring back Magnet Warrior Sigma Plus. However he won't be out for long, because he and Magnet Warrior Omega Minus are going back to the grave so I can summon Conduction Warrior Linear Magnum Plus Minus!" Bastion yelled as the magnetic mech formed onto the field "And now I activate its effect, adding half the attack points of one magnet monster on the field to it's own" Badtion explained, Plus Minus drained half of Blow Piper's attack, easing it's own to 3100 "He's got her outmatched now!" Jaden stated "Blast her, Bastion!" Adam yelled "With pleasure. Warrior Magnum, attack Amazoness Blow Piper, Polarizing Pulverizing Blast!" Bastion yelled, as the machine blasted Blow Piper away, dropping Tanya's life points to 1700 "Next I play two facedown and I think that'll do" Bastion stated.

Adam smiled "About time you landed a hit" he said "And it hurt too, looks like he's got a chance at a comeback" Zed stated "What a move, no wonder I love you, and Sweetie, because I do, I must beat you" Tanya stated, drawing her card "And with Amazoness Swordswoman's effect, where even if she loses in battle, you still take damage, I will beat you. Now Amazoness Swordswoman, attack Magnum Plus Minus with Amazon Slash Attack" Tanya ordered "Sorry, but I play my facedown, Power Off, splitting Magnum Plus Minus back into the two monsters it originated from" Bastion stated, Plus Minus split back into Sigma Plus and Omega Minus, avoiding the attack "No fair!" Tanya yelled "Tight move!" Jaden shouted "Yes, I agree" Bastion replied "Guess I'll have to get you next time, and with Amazoness Paladin on the field, be sure I will" Tanya said as the female paladin appeared "And my paladin's effect, she gains 100 attack points for every card on my field that mentions Amazoness" Tanya stated as the paladin's attack rose to 1900 "Now I place two cards facedown, and that'll do for now" she stated.

("At least she's focused on dealing and not me") Bastion thought "Alright, it's my move!" Bastion yelled "Speaking of which, Sweetie, I think you should move in with me, you know, after we get married. Oh, we'll just have the coziest home sweet home" Tanya said, Bastion took a step back "Oh, I'm sorry honey, am I distracting you again with this talk about how much I love you, and how positively handsome you are? Oh there I go again" Tanya gushed, Bastion placed a hand on his chest as a shade of red formed on his face "No..." Adam said "I guess I simply can't help myself. I'm head over heels!" Tanya shouted "Yes, me too, Tanya" Bastion said "And we've lost him, but he isn't the first of our team to fall for a Shadow Rider" Adam said, glancing at his son, clinging to Camula "Man, Bastion's getting all flushed, and all side tracked" Syrus said "Not good" Jaden replied.

Bastion drew his next card "Alright! My turn!" He stated "First off, I summon Magnet Warrior Sigma Minus in attack mode, next I play my facedown 100000 Gauss. You see, I can activate this when I have a plus and minus monster in my field, it lets me switch one of your monsters to attack mode, and reduce it's attack by 800" Bastion explained "Alright! Now Bastion's got the monsters and matchup he needs, this duel is in the bag!" Jaden said "I would think so too, until I play Dramatic Rescue, it lets me return a monster to my hand and summon another to the field, and as you're about to see, this one is very different indeed. Come out, Amazoness Tiger!" Tanya yelled as the large tiger replaced Amazoness Paladin "And thanks to her effect, she gains 400 attack points for every Amazoness on the field" Tanya explained as tge tiger's attack rose to 1900 "Damn..." Adam whispered "Hold on, there's more, when Amazoness Tiger's out, you're only allowed to attack her" Tanya stated "So he has to attack that tiger?" Alexis asked ("Simple, I have three monsters out, one to eliminate Amazoness Tiger, the other Amazoness Swordswoman, and the third to attack Tanya directly and win") Bastion thought "Fun duel, but it's over, go Magnet Warrior Omega Minus, attack and tame Amazoness Tiger!" Bastion yelled "You must be distracted, or you would have seen my facedown card! Amazoness Archers!" Tanya yelled.

"Huh?" Bastion said "Sorry, hun, but all your monsters are switched to attack mode and lose 600 attack points, and are forced to attack" Tanya explained "But if they do that, they'll have to attack that tiger" Syrus said "And she has more points than any of them" Jaden said "He walked right into a trap, what was he thinking?" Chazz asked "Probably something along the lines of 'Oh, my dear sweet Tanya, you're so beautiful, I love you!' Dammit, Bastion..." Adam growled, Bastion's monsters charged Tanya's tiger "Now Amazoness Tiger, show Bastion that opposites don't just attract, but attack, Fang Frenzy!" Tanya ordered, as the tiger lunged forward and cut down all of Bastion's monsters, dropping his life points to zero "I'm all yours" Bastions strained, falling out, as his spirit key vanished.

Adam clenched his fists "Idiot..." he hissed "Bastion!" Jaden called out "Kitty" Tanya said, as the tiger stepped foreword chasing the others out of the colosseum, when bars locked them out "Hey!" Jaden yelled "Sorry, Bastion and I are on our honeymoon now, so get lost!" Tanya yelled "This isn't over!" Jaden yelled.

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